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Dream Catcher Farm Horse Sanctuary Needs Your Help!

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All you furry fans seeking to make a positive contribution in the name of Furry - here's your chance.

The Dream Catcher Farm Horse Sanctuary is an organization based on the premise that all creatures should live free of cruelty...

This non-profit charity is established for the purpose of relieving the suffering of horses and ponies from abuse, neglect and slaughter. We wish to provide them with a caring home for the rest of
their days. Money is always a pressing need for horse feed, shelter and welfare, especially during the winter when visitors are few and fundraising is difficult. We depend upon the help of volunteers and supporters to keep the sanctuary alive. Your support can help the sanctuary continue to help rescued and elderly equine. We are a non-profit organization under IRS 501(c)3 regulations.

The burden of supporting the horses has become more than the sanctuary care takers can financially handle. It requires approximately $1,500 per month in expenses to support the horse residents. This monthly $1,500 includes feed, medication, veterinary services, farrier services, land for the horse barn and grazing pasture. During the first quarter of 2000, the horse sanctuary received only $150 in donations
from a caring family in South Carolina. Expenses during the first quarter were about $4,500. Dreams came true for our residents when they came to Dream Catcher Farm Horse Sanctuary. Without contributions to support the horses, they will lose their home. PLEASE HELP SAVE THE HOME OF LUCKY AND THE OTHER HORSES with a contribution today!
If you can not contribute today, please leave feedback or email with suggestions on how we can raise money to support the horses and keep them from losing their home.


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As a horse lover, I was glad to read about this organization. For animal lovers who want to act locally, remember that animal shelters ALWAYS need donations and volunteers! Volunteering is especially good if you like animals and currently live in situation inabling you to have one.

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