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Digging Up Positivity - June 2024

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In this episode!

  • Cool animation news!
  • How an actual photographer won in an generative AI contest
  • A furry Halloween in Rotterdam!
  • The worlds first furry opera!
  • How to win this amazing Pride shirt, so fresh, mine is still in the mail.

But first, the latest charity news from the fandom in the June edition of Digging Up Positivity!

Digging Up Positivity May 2024

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In this episode!

  • Furry convention in Atlanta raising 100.000 for charity!
  • Spotlight on several awesome women in the fandom!
  • How accessible is our fandom truly?
  • Animators working together!

And much more!

Digging Up Positivity - April 2024

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Welcome to the April episode of Digging Up Positivity! Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner.

In this episode:

  • The April charities from the fandom
  • Even crocodiles need to go to the dentist
  • Animation news
  • A wonderful interview with one of the main forces behind AnthroIrish!

And much more.

Oh hey! Also, I am happy to say we are giving out item from my PAWS collection from my ArtworkTee store, more details at the end of this video.

Digging Up Positivity March 2024

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Welcome to a packed episode of Digging Up Positivity! The convention season is gearing up and boy does it show!
In this episode:

  • Many charities in March, pushing us over the $400,000 raised this year!
  • A lovely memoriam for Mark Merlino, also known as Sy Sable.
  • Nomad Complex is able to return, backed by the fandom.
  • AnthroAir: Virtual airplanes for a real fandom!
  • And the Good Furry Award.

Also I am happy to work together with artwork-tee, and there is a new pawtastic T-shirt in the store, for more details on how to get one, stay with us till the end of the show!

Digging Up Positivity February 2024

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In this episode:

  • Zootopia 2 gets a release date!
  • Small trains and giant cats!
  • Several furry charities and the update to total raised this year!
  • An exclusive interview with Nio the Dutch Angel Dragon!

Welcome to the February episode of digging up positivity. At the time this goes live, both me and this episodes’ special guest are at Nordic Fuzzcon in Malmo, Sweden, where I am helping the charity team raising funds for U-Animals. But besides this awesome charity, there is so much more! And I love to tell you more once future me has returned home.

But for now the charity updates!

Digging Up Positivity - January 2024

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Hello! In this episode we cover:

  • The final numbers of the Furry Charity Index 2023 and a new total
  • Charities by the furry fandom in January
  • Controlling your fuzzy ears with your brain in VRChat
  • Animation news
  • An exclusive interview with Laser The Sharkfox
  • Announcement winners of the Tshirts and Pawpillows!

2023 Furry Charity Index

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Welcome to this years’ Furry Charity Index. And first of all, I would like to thank everybody who has been submitting charities, without your help we could not make this video! We will start with a little breakdown of the numbers first, with some examples from every category, then we will vibe with some chill music while we go through all the charities, and boy, are there a lot of them! And in the end we will give out the final numbers and of course, the grand total compared to the previous years.

Normally I try to put all my sources in the description below, but for this video, there are so many, I have linked a google sheet where you can check out the sources. And all the amounts have been converted into US dollars. So...let’s get started!

Digging Up Positivity - October 2023

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Welcome a new fresh Digging Up Positivity, and with this fresh look we are still going to cover all those amazing charity events in and around the furry fandom, but also LEGO, Chillhop, animation and our special guest is Mylo! A really advanced and amazing photographer from the Netherlands. And if you want to win one of those lovely comfy paw pillows those meerkat pawsby ArtworkTee, stay with us till the very end, but first, the charities.

Digging Up Positivity July 2023

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Welcome to the July edition of Digging Up Positivity! Time flies when you are having fun and fruit flies like a banana. This episode is filled to the brink with charities, because boy, you lot have been busy! Our guest is one of the most known mice from the Netherlands: Miesdo Mouse.

We have a few announcements and if you like the British furs, you DEFINITELY want to watch till the end of the video. From now on you can become a member of this channel and usually you can see the episodes a wee bit earlier just like my other supporters. But of course, you know the deal: Like and subscribe. I would love to spread the positive goodness from this fandom a bit further thanks to your help!

And now, on with the charities, because boy, there are a lot of these this month:

Digging Up Positivity - June 2023

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This month in Digging up Positivity, furry conventions raising money for charity, the fandom comes together to help those down on their luck, an upcoming furry comedy, and a lovely interview with this years’ winner of the Good Furry Award: Kite.

And stay till the very end of this video where I reveil the winner of the Pawperty Damage game on Steam, and various other announcements.

This month has been filled to the brink with not just the regular fundraisers, but also a whole lot in the spirit of this rainbow coloured month. Something we, as a fandom, can be very proud of.

So... lets be like a meerkat and dig in!

Digging up Positivity - May 2023

Your rating: None Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

This week[sic] in Digging Up Positivty:

  • Pawperty Damage came out on the 24th and we are having an interview with the critter behind it all: Marig. And that is not all! We will be giving away one key of this smashing game so you can stomp around as well. Stay with us till the end for more info!
  • Two huge Australian icons working together in a most adorable dance off!
  • The Good Furry Award winners are announced
  • And of course we are starting this episode of Digging Up Positivity with various charities all over the world

Digging Up Positivity - April 2023

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Welcome to a new episode of Digging Up Positivity! This month we feature Kijani, a truly wonderful role-model, and straight up lovely lion. We also cover a bit of animation, but first, all those wonderful charities the fandom has been supporting!

Digging Up Positivity - March 2023

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This episode of Digging Up Positivity we feature charities, animation, and this time our featurette is a short documentary about Kitwana, lion, role model, and more. Do stay until the end to find out who has won that Thabo T-shirt from my Artwork Tee store. But first, lets hop into the charities.

Digging Up Positivity February 2023

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In this episode of Digging Up Positivity we cover several big and small furry events with charities attached to them. Eurofurence finally has a new location, the return of a very sly fox and that bunny, and an awesome new upcoming game starring a gator, and an interview with one of the driving forces behind the furry events in and around Ohio, USA. And stay till the end if you want to win a lovely t-shirt from me from my ArtworkTee store!

But first things first, lets hop into the charities.

Digging Up Positivity - January 2023

Your rating: None Average: 3.6 (11 votes)

Welcome to the first Digging Up Positivity of 2023! Of course we start off with a bunch of charities, animation news, and our guest of this month is a staple from the virtual furry scene: BioGodz, we will discuss his new projects and how he got into the wonderful world of virtual reality!

But first things first, lets hop into the charities: