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Furries raise over $1.9 million for charitable causes in 2024

Edited by Sonious as of 18:10
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After tallying up the charities collected by conventions and streams for 2024, furriers came together to raise $1,953,149.29. The breakdown for the causes can be found below:

  • LGBTQ+ Welfare: $299,619.71 (15.34%)
  • Animal Welfare: $1,108,623.81 (56.76%)
  • General Humanitarian Welfare: $544,905.77 (27.9%)

Spreadsheet of the breakdown can be found here.


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Mainly for causes connected to their furfaggotry...
The irony is not lost on me

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Hope you catch a bullet, bud.

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When did everyone start saying bud in that backhanded, confrontational kind of way? Like, it used to be just a local thing, certain parts of Canada. Then like Covid, everyone was showing symptoms of being a TPB (Trailer Park Boy.) It's actually our fault, isn't it?

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If you read the article, you'd note that for every dollar given to LGBTQ+ causes, about two was given to just general human welfare.

When I think of mainly, I'd probably be shooting a bit higher than 15%, just saying.

Then again, the irony isn't lost on me, since you mainly spend time obsessing over 15% of the population, I'm sure.

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