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Further Confusion at AnthroCon

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DVD Premiere

Further Confusion will have a table in the Dealer's Room at AnthroCon, and
we are excited to announce that this will be the first place the FC2004 Highlight DVD will be available for sale. It will be on sale at the low price of $10 each, and will be playable in DVD players on all regions. This DVD includes over 1,000 convention photographs, three songs from GOH Heather Alexander's concert, Critterlympics footage, as well as the Masquerade and FVS. It also contains the Late Night Show interviews with all three Guests of Honor (including Larry Niven and Grant Freckelton), plus other extras. We have put a lot of work into it, kept the price as low as possible and we hope you enjoy it for years to come.

Registration Sale

Even though FC2005 is still over 6 months away, AnthroCon is a great place for you to buy your FC membership. We will be selling full memberships for all five days of the convention for $35. This will probably be the last opportunity to get this price. We have a limited amount of the 2003 Highlights DVD for sale as well, at a discounted price of $5 each for those of you who didn't get one last year.

We hope everyone has a great time at AnthroCon this year, be watching for our full July newsletter when you get back from the con.

Further Confusion


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