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FC 2006 PreReg closes TONIGHT!

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Today is the last and final day to pre-register for Further Confusion 2006.

You have two choices:
Register Online at
Mail in a registration form (available to print at with your payment. The postmark on the envelope must be today.

Register today, and you get to enjoy the whole for $45 as an attending member.
If you'd like to be a Sponsor, it'll cost you $100 and you get some extra gifts.
For $200, you can be a patron, and get even more stuff.

After today, your next chance to register will be at the convention itself, where an attending membership will cost you $50. Day prices are listed on our website.
We'd also like to reminder Fursuiters that January 1st of the new year is the deadline for pre-registering for a Fursuit badge. You must already have pre-registered for a regular membership. You can get as many fursuit badges as you have costumes, but only the first one is free - the rest are $5 each. These badges act as a full convention badge for the times when you are in costume and don't want to be known as anything other than the name of your costume. Details that we need from you for these badges is available on our website at, which also lists the email address to send everything to.

Any questions about Pre-Registration or Fursuit Badges that aren't answered by information on our website should be sent to


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