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Important Further Confusion Hotel News

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Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are SOLD OUT at the DoubleTree. Because of this, any attempt to reserve a range of days that includes one or more of these will not work. You can still reserve rooms (Kings only) Tuesday - Thursday, and Monday / Tuesday.

The overflow hotel, again the Holiday Inn just a short walk from the DoubleTree, is now accepting reservations. All rooms are double-queens, so please do not attempt to reserve a King bed there.

Price is $89/night plus taxes at the Holiday Inn. To make your reservation, please visit the Hotel page on our website for complete information

There are no special room types, such as executive, fursuit, or party rooms at the Holiday Inn.

There will be shuttle service provided between the Holiday Inn and DoubleTree this year! Also, we have reserved some event space at the Holiday Inn and will be scheduling a few small social events for those staying there. More info on both is forthcoming.


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