Independent Media Roundup for Sep-Oct 2008
Posted by Alexander Grey on Fri 31 Oct 2008 - 13:00 — Edited by GreenReaper as of Tue 9 Nov 2010 - 17:39
Not just the big guns that can spew out crap (and the occasional piece of lovely) about the fandom! The indies can do it too!
The Fur's On You!
Apparently there’s no furries in Australia, they just have two upcoming conventions and a bunch of meets for no reason.
Aversion Fads
XKCD likes furries… kinda.
The Call of the Wild
We rather hope this is satirical in at least some shape or form…
"If [furry] is a trend then consider me out of style!"
Murder at the furcon
The assassination of John McCain shocks a nation, but not as much as con sex.

About the author
Alexander Grey — read stories — contact (login required)a Fruit bat
Founder, editor-in-chief and tea cosy of the (now defunct) Furtean Times.
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