Bullies, con stress, bad bosses: social stress could kill...
Posted by MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) on Tue 4 Sep 2001 - 16:13
US researchers putting mice in stressful social situations they can't get out of are discovering that it leads them to develop a possibly deadly over-activity by the immune system. Mice exposed to two hours of another, more agressive mouse were twice as likely to die from exposure to a desease as mice that were going through severe hardship.
Though the research was on mice, the condition mimics the human problem of toxic shock.

About the author
MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Skunk from Toronto, ON, interested in writting, art, classic cars and animals
Finally, an explanation for Con Crud.
I could have told those researchers that bad bosses who create stressful environments can cause you to get deathly ill -- and over a year ago at that.
Where's MY research grant?
"We use them for divine retribution."
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