Fursuiters in the London Financial Times
Posted by Aureth on Mon 21 Jan 2002 - 09:45
Furry fan Ch'marr has provided scans of an article in the London Financial times that features fursuiter Rapid T. Rabbit. Reviews of the article would be welcome, as I haven't read it.

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Aureth — read stories — contact (login required)an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running
A much better treatment than furries got from VF or MTV - though it mentions sexuality and fetishes, it doesn't dwell on them anywhere near as much and spends most of the article talking about the practical side of fursuiting. My only complaints about it are that it equates fursuiters to furries in general, and the sidebar glossary that (besides having several errors) seems to have the sordid slant mostly absent from the rest of the article.
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