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Next Pixar film: Finding Nemo

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From Corona Coming Attractions:

A young clownfish named Nemo is stolen from the coral reef he calls home, forcing his father to undertake a mission to find him and bring him back.

December 2, 2000... Playing catch up here with a press release from last month that revealed the latest Pixar project is Finding Nemo. We've added the premise up top along with a new release date: Summer 2003. [Press release forwarded over by Dave Planche; info also sent in by Aurora Szalinski and litz27.]

February 4, 2002... We've finally launched our page for Pixar's next animated movie, Finding Nemo, because of the interesting scoop received this past weekend. Very little information about Nemo's storyline and characters has leaked out from the Pixar offices, so what our scooper has to say to us is quite valuable. Our anonymous informant leaks to us a number of new characters, an addition to the celebrity cast and describes what Nemo's animation looks like at this stage of its development...

Check out the webpage for the full scoop:


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