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Palworld Review

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Sun 11 Aug 2024 - 12:03

Wow I sure have a lot of hours on survival games, I also really like creature collecting games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if I enslaved a ton of creatures and forced them to work in the mines and fight with you to capture and enslave even more creatures could find a bunch of cool pals to hang out with while playing a survival game? Seriously though, Palworld takes the best from both survival and creature capture games, plus GUNS, you almost never get guns in creature capture games. In Palworld, you can turn your pals into guns! 

Categories: News

Cancel the Good Furry Awards?

Ask Papabear - Sat 10 Aug 2024 - 09:26
Dear Furries,

As some of you know, I have been running the Good Furry Awards for over five years now. The purpose of these awards was to thank the thankless in the fandom who do wonderful things both for furries and non-furries. We have had some wonderful winners in the past, including Ash Coyote, Dogbomb, Mark Merlino, and Rod O'Riley. I was particularly glad that Mark was able to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award before he passed away.

I never wanted these awards to be "popularity contests." Honestly, I value everyone who was nominated because the intention was to give everyone who makes an effort to make the fandom a better place a paws up and a fuzzy hug. That's exactly the message in our theme song that was written by the fabulous Pepper Coyote. No, the true reason I started this project was that I was so exhausted from hearing furries criticizing the fandom all the time that I wanted to counteract all the negativity with something more positive: the Good Furry Awards.

From the beginning, the GFAs have been criticized by the furry community. They have been called "fake awards," "popufur contests," and worse. Furries have tried repeatedly to stuff the voter box and to nominate fake people. At first, I brushed this off because I had the same reaction when I started the "Ask Papabear" column. I said to myself, "Buck up, Grubbs. People don't understand what you're trying to do, but they will eventually, and they'll see you are doing something good for the fandom." Things did get better for my column (although I still get snarky comments on occasion), but the same cannot be said for the GFAs.

After five years, I still feel like the community finds these awards somehow offensive. I still get criticized for them all the time (which is weird because people don't criticize the Ursa Major Awards, but whatev). I've been wracking my brain as to why. Is it because the award winners are selected by popular vote? If that were true, the People's Choice Awards would have failed long ago. Is it because it is "fake" because I do all the work and not some corporation or national organization? Therefore, it's not "legit"? Or are the GFAs merely despised because furries who don't get nominated feel they aren't getting acknowledged?

I honestly do not know the answer.

But I do know this: Even though my intentions were always good (which is how one paves the Road to Hell, am I right?), if I am putting thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of my own money and time into a project that nobody wants, then maybe my entire concept was misguided and wrongheaded. Perhaps I should try to find another way to thank furries on my own and not worry about what the fandom as a whole thinks. After all, if YOU don't want the GFAs, then why the heck am I doing all this work? My bad.

As with the awards, though, I didn't want to make this decision without any input from furries. After all, I could be wrong. Maybe there are a lot of fans out there, and I just don't know it.

So, here's the deal: I'm putting it to a vote.

From now until August 31, you can vote on whether of not the Good Furry Award will stop now or continue on. How does this work? Well, being the good anal bear that I am, I made up fake ;) guidelines, towit:

1. There must be at least 200 votes received by the end of the month. (Weak turnout indicates apathy, and with several hundred thousand furries in the world, if I can't muster 200 votes, that's pretty telling.)

2. There must be a 2:1 ratio of Yes to No votes for the Yes column to win.

I will announce the results September 1.


Bearly Furcasting S5E4 - A Return From Vacation - or - What Are You Talking About Taebyn?

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 10 Aug 2024 - 05:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Taebyn, Rayne and Bearly discuss the goings on of the last MONTH! Whew…getting vacations is hard work! Bearly recounts his motorcycle vacation, Rayne tells us all about his new eyes and new job.  Taebyn has been spinning the last month and he has so much to get out including lots of media, lots of games, and lots of math! So buckle in for a wild ride! We have too many puns, too many bad dad jokes, and so many twists and turns, you will think you are on a roller coaster!  So come “set a spell” with us here at BFFT.  You will be indifferent that you did.

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S5E4 - A Return From Vacation - or - What Are You Talking About Taebyn?
Categories: Podcasts

49-Year-Old Furry Is Having a Hard Time Socializing with Younger Furries

Ask Papabear - Fri 9 Aug 2024 - 13:53
Dear Papabear, Mr Grizzly (forgot first name), or Kevin...

Simply put, I've been interested in the furry fandom for a couple of years but unable to speak to anyone "inside."  I turn 50 this year, and that seems to be a big turn off. I tried a couple furry type chat groups and once they found out my age, they all attacked. I have a difficult time talking to young people since I'm single with no little deductions of my own. I should have lied when registering but thought better of it and forgot the websites. I registered in haste and with no intention of staying. Nobody will find me online. I have no fursona, no artistic ability, no friends and abandoned family over 30 years ago.

I'm a lone wolf, literally.

I gave up trying but can't help but watch a few furries on YouTube and attempt to attend an annual con that comes to town. Last year I missed it (the con) due to working in another hotel that weekend. I'd love someone to help create a fursona and I'd totally suit in public as much as possible. Just not now; it's literally 110 degrees every day in south Texas.

I reckon my question is: Should I just give up completely or is there some other way to make new furry friends both locally and abroad? This is all very frustrating and depressing.

Thank you for your time,

Jacob (San Antonio, age 49)

* * *

Dear Jacob,

Always nice to meet another greymuzzle. Yes, the difficulties you face relating to members of a fandom composed mostly of young people in their teens and twenties can be a challenge. 

But don't give up yet! 

If you're feeling lonely and unloved, I have just the groups for you. Just so happens I run the Greymuzzle group on Facebook that has over 4,000 members just waiting to say UwU and Awoo! to you! Everyone in this group is 30 and older, with many in their 40s, 50s, and up. I also formed a strictly 50 and above group called Silvermuzzles that has over 300 members. Please feel free to join these groups.

There are also some greymuzzle groups on Telegram, Discord, Amino, and, I believe, X (Twitter) that you can join. Just go to your favorite app and search on "greymuzzle" or "graymuzzle" and see what comes up. Oh, you might also try "elderfur," which is a term that is sometimes used, though not too much.

I feel the need to remind my readers (and you) that you don't have to be a fursuiter, artist, writer, gamer, or "influencer" (gods, I hate that word) to be a furry. Hell, you don't even need a fursona to be in the fandom, although it is a bit more fun if you do have one. The definition of a fandom is not "you must be able to produce stuff related to your interest" but only "you must love the thing that interests you." Being a furry simply means that you love the anthropomorphic animal arts. The fun of being in a fandom is to enjoy things like movies, TV shows, books, and comics and to share your love with like-minded people. 

The problem with many in the fandom (not just furries but pretty much everywhere in the USA, at least, if not other countries, too) is that it has become a competition to be noticed, to be validated, and to stand out from the crowd. People want to be "popufurs" and be admired, followed, and lauded. This is neurotic behavior usually stemming from low self-esteem. Low self-esteem, coupled with a desire for undeserved plaudits, is a social illness in our society that is exacerbated by our bizarre virtual spectator culture. Today, the result has been a split in the fandom between furries who are genuinely into furry culture and poser furries who only do it because it is considered outlandish to wear costumes in public and act goofy. That is, they just want to do anything they can to get noticed (I once heard such a furry, when asked why he was fursuiting, reply, "Because I'm bored.") These are the furries who later "leave the fandom" because they "grow up" and aren't preoccupied with attention anymore (busy with careers and family), rather than the furries who don't care about being noticed and just adore anthros no matter what life brings them or what others think about them. They aren't in it for an audience. They're in it for love.

Getting off my soapbox. . . .

I have another suggestion or two. In addition to joining one of my Facebook groups, I recommend you experiment with going to various cons and meets. Not all of them are shaped by the same cookie cutter. You mentioned that you went to the furcon in your town. Seeing that you live in San Antonio, I'm guessing you attended Alamo City Furry Invasion. If that con didn't feel friendly enough, the good news is that in Texas you can also find Furry Fiesta and Furry Siesta (both in Dallas) and Texas Spurs & Furs in Baytown near Houston. Depending on who runs a con, some are good and some are ... well, maybe not so good. My husband and I have a favorite con in Reno called Biggest Little Fur Con that we go to every year. I'm also trying out a new con next month much closer to me called Another Furry Con (I like that they are unafraid of being lame haha) in Ontario, California. It will be interesting to see what the atmosphere is like there.

As for meets, if you are unaware, there is the River City Furbowl in San Antonio on August 25 that you could check out.

Furmeets vary in quality, too. It's all about the person (or persons) who organizes and runs it. Some are quite horrible because they are run by furries with huge egos who create cliques that are impenetrable for new people who want to join. Other furmeets are loving and welcoming because they are run by cool furries. You just have to experiment and see what works for you. But if that doesn't work either, there is yet another option: Start your own furmeet, invite the people you want to invite, and organize your own activities for the meet.

I think your first step should definitely be to join my Greymuzzle group and/or the Silvermuzzle group. You will find many many mature furries there who will gladly help you with things like finding a maker for your fursuit and offering tips for fursuit maintenance and performance. They can also help you with your fursona if you like. That's 4,200 furiends in your age group that you can have instantly by joining!

Hope this helps! Hope to see you in my group soon!

Papabear Grubbs

BioGun Review

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 9 Aug 2024 - 10:47

Metroidvanias can be a dime a dozen in the gaming world. Similar to roguelikes, they’re a popular genre amongst indie developers. When looking at these types of games, there needs to be a creative “hook” or new spin in setting or design that grabs your attention and shows you, “Hey, this is something worth checking out!” BioGun manages to do this right at the forefront with a game completely played from inside of your best friend. You explore the many body organs as a gun-wielding vaccine injected into your dog to fight the catastrophic “dooper” virus that has duped scientists around the globe as it wreaks havoc on pets. Along the way you’ll meet up and be helped (or hunted) by a vast array of cute, cool, and corrupted characters, most of which have an anthro spin on them, if they’re not viruses or enemies plaguing your dog. All of this in pursuit of eradicating the Dooper virus once and for all.

Categories: News

The Age of Rats: An Age of Wonders 4 Tale

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 20:19

The forests of this realm were quiet, and an unsettling chill always lingered in the air. Though we channeled the Tome of Glades to camouflage our race with fur and our uncanny ability to traverse the woods gracefully, the land was hostile with an unrelenting sense of wrongness. Our magic changed barren spaces to something livable, but death wasn’t just an intangible thing here, it claimed this world and the beasts in them.

Categories: News

Episode 559 - Yeen Queen

Southpaws - Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 13:04

This week Savrin and Fuzz are joined by Ajax at the start to look at some Bloomburrow cards, then Savrin shares their adventures at an anime con in a bad spot, good health news and coming back from the brink of death (the person whose name Savrin couldn't remember was Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb), the political vibe shift, and the passing of a fandom original.

Also this episode was recorded on Friday, 8/2, so well ahead of Dragoneer's death, but may he rest in peace.


Taral Wayne (1951-2024) | File 770
Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon

Telegram -

Episode 559 - Yeen Queen
Categories: Podcasts

FurAffinity’s owner, Dragoneer, passed away at 44

Global Furry Television - Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 00:00

FurAffinity 创始人 Dragoneer 去世了,享年 44 岁
Categories: News

Neckbreak (Xbox) Review

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 6 Aug 2024 - 20:23

I remember first hearing about this game when it went under the title of Project Downfall and thought it looked like a fun first-person shooter, but that’s as far as I got with the game as it was, at the time, a PC exclusive. Now, with it getting a console release under the new name of Neckbreak (or, as I called it by accident, Neckbrake), I’m happy to say that, outside of a few small issues I had, the game was worth the wait.

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 39

TigerTails Radio - Tue 6 Aug 2024 - 04:22

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 39. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Fur Sale - Friends Edition

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Mon 5 Aug 2024 - 19:39

It's been too long since we’ve had a good Fur Sale article. Lets fix that and I have the perfect sale to report for it. Currently until August 11th, Nintendo Switch is having a multiplayer sale! Enjoy playing games with others? You came to the right place!

Games of furry interest include:
  • Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, bring up to 16 friends in various multiplayer modes and compete to become the top banana! Or try out the new adventure mode. $37.49($49.99)
  • Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition, slash, stomp and blast your way through hordes of foes in this Legend of Zelda/Warriors crossover! Pick from several characters including the wolf riding Midna, the Zora princess Ruto, the Rito Medli and many more. Includes co-op support. $41.99($59.99)
  • Monster Hunter Rise + Suunbreak Delxue Edition, hunt giant monsters and work alongside palicos, palimutes and your friends to take them down! Craft your own armor and weapons from various monster materials. $24.99($69.99) Standalone Rise Deluxe available for $15.99($49.99)
  • Fae Farm, build and manage your own homestead in this Animal Crossing alike. Care for an assortment of magical creatures or visit friends homesteads! Customize your character and master the arts of crafting. $41.99($59.99)
  • Disney Illusion Island, team up with Mickey and friends to find three magical books and save the mysterious island of Monoth. Embark on adventures solo or in couch co-op with up to 3 other people. $27.99($39.99)
  • Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, rev your engines with Crash Bandicoot and co in this kart racing game! Play various characters, various modes and various tracks in this racing game and compete against your friends! Nitros Oxide edition with additional characters and exclusive rewards available for $20.99($39.99). Normal version available for $13.99($39.99)
  • Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, play as Garfield, SpongeBob, Ninja Turtles and more in this Nickelodeon themed fighting game. Stop Danny Phantom's arch-nemesis Vlad Plasmius from taking over the Nickelodeon universe in story mode! Or just brawl across various stages with friends. $14.99($49.99)
  • SONIC SUPERSTARS Digital Deluxe Edition, play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy across 2D side scrolling levels with beautiful 3D graphics! Unleash new powers in order to stop Dr Eggmans latest scheme. Experience local co-op with up to 3 other people for the first time in Sonics history. $34.99($69.99)
  • TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge, join the TMNT of the 80’s as they fight across a timeless range of locations in order to stop Shredder and Kangs latest scheme. Dimension Shellshock DLC features new characters and stages from across the Turtleverse! $20.77($29.98). Regular Shredder’s Revenge available for $16.64($24.99)

And so much more! Happy shopping gamers!

Categories: News

Fursuit Cooling Vests: Everything You Need To Know

Fursonafy - Mon 5 Aug 2024 - 04:42

    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding the Need for Cooling Vests
    3. How Overheating Can Affect The Experience
    4. Types Of Cooling Vests
    5. Choosing The Right Cooling Vest
    6. Popular Brands and Models
    7. How To Use And Maintain Your Cooling Vest
    8. Conclusion
Article Content Introduction

Fursuiting is a beloved activity within the furry community, offering a unique way to express creativity and identity. However, the joy of donning a fursuit comes with a significant challenge: managing the heat. These costumes, often made from synthetic fur and other insulating materials, can quickly become uncomfortably warm, especially during long events or in hot climates. This heat can not only lead to discomfort but also pose serious health risks like heat exhaustion or heat stroke.


Apart from looking awesome, for most fursuiters, maintaining comfort and safety while in costume is essential. This is where cooling vests come into play. These innovative garments are designed to help regulate body temperature, providing a much-needed respite from the heat. In this article, we will explore the various types of cooling vests available, how they work, and why they are an invaluable addition to any fursuiter’s wardrobe. Whether you’re a seasoned fursuiter or new to the scene, understanding the benefits and options of cooling vests can make your experience more enjoyable and safe.

1. Understanding the Need for Cooling Vests The Heat Challenge: How Fursuits Can Cause Overheating

Fursuits, while visually stunning and expressive, can trap heat due to their construction. Made from thick materials like synthetic fur, foam padding, and underlayers, these costumes are akin to wearing a heavy winter coat in the middle of summer. The lack of breathability in these materials, combined with physical activity, can cause body temperatures to rise rapidly. This is especially true in crowded convention halls or outdoor events where ambient temperatures can already be high.

    Fursuit Cooling Vest

    Image via Twitter

    Health Risks: Heat Exhaustion and Other Potential Health Issues

    The risk of overheating is not just uncomfortable; it can be dangerous. When the body’s core temperature rises too high, it can lead to heat exhaustion. Symptoms include excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. In severe cases, this can escalate to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition characterized by confusion, loss of consciousness, and potential organ failure. Given these risks, it’s crucial to have effective strategies to manage your body temperature.

      Performance and Comfort: How Overheating Can Affect the Experience

      Beyond the health risks, overheating can significantly impact your performance and enjoyment. When too hot, it becomes challenging to maintain the energy and enthusiasm needed to engage with others and perform in character. The discomfort can also lead to shorter time spent in a suit, limiting your ability to participate in events. By contrast, a comfortable temperature allows for more extended and more enjoyable interactions, whether you’re performing on stage, participating in parades, or mingling with fellow fans.


      Cooling vests offer a practical solution to these challenges, helping to regulate body temperature and mitigate the risks associated with fursuit wear. In the next section, we will delve into the different types of cooling vests available and how they can cater to the specific needs of fursuiters.

        Example of a Fursuit and How Hot They Can Be

        Image via DeviantArt

        Commissioning a fursuit has never been so easy!

        "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication"


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          Ice pack vests are a popular choice among fursuiters looking for a straightforward and effective cooling solution. These vests contain pockets designed to hold ice packs, which can be frozen beforehand. The cold packs provide immediate and significant cooling, helping to lower the body temperature quickly. The primary advantage of ice pack vests is their simplicity and the intensity of the cooling effect. However, they come with some drawbacks. The cooling duration is relatively short, typically lasting around 1-2 hours, depending on the ambient temperature and the physical activity of the wearer. Additionally, the ice packs can be heavy, and as they warm up, they need to be replaced or refrozen, requiring access to a freezer.

            Another Example Of A Fursuit That Will Most Likely Be Hot Without A Cooling Vest

            Image via DeviantArt

            Phase Change Cooling Vests

            Phase change cooling vests utilize a special material that maintains a constant temperature while transitioning between solid and liquid states. Unlike ice packs, which can become uncomfortably cold, phase change materials are designed to stay at a more moderate temperature, typically around 58-64°F (14-18°C). This makes them more comfortable for extended wear. These vests provide a longer cooling duration, usually around 2-4 hours, as they absorb and release heat over time. They are lighter than ice-pack vests and don’t require the extreme cold of a freezer—often, they can be recharged in a refrigerator or cool water. While they tend to be more expensive, the balance between comfort and cooling efficiency makes them a favorite for many fursuiters.

              Evaporative Cooling Vests

              Evaporative cooling vests work by harnessing the natural cooling process of evaporation. These vests are soaked in water and then worn damp. As the water evaporates, it draws heat away from the body, providing a cooling effect. This type of vest is lightweight and easy to recharge—just add water. They are particularly useful in dry, hot climates where evaporation occurs quickly. However, their effectiveness decreases in high humidity conditions, as the air’s moisture saturation limits evaporation. The cooling effect also diminishes over time as the vest dries out, and the user may need to re-wet it periodically. Despite these limitations, evaporative cooling vests are a cost-effective and low-maintenance option for those looking to stay cool in a fursuit.

              Each type of cooling vest offers distinct advantages and disadvantages, catering to different preferences and needs. In the following section, we will discuss how to choose the right cooling vest based on your specific circumstances and requirements.

                3. Choosing the Right Cooling Vest

                Selecting the right cooling vest involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your specific needs as a fursuiter. Here’s a breakdown of key considerations to help you make an informed choice.

                Considerations for Selection

                Duration of Cooling Needed

                • The expected duration of your fursuiting activities significantly impacts the type of cooling vest you should choose. If you plan to be in costume for extended periods, a phase change cooling vest might be ideal due to its longer cooling duration. For shorter sessions, an ice pack vest may suffice, offering intense cooling for a brief time.
                Weight and Mobility

                • The weight of the vest is a crucial factor, especially for fursuiters who are already carrying the weight of their costumes. Ice pack vests can be heavier due to the ice packs, while phase change vests are generally lighter. Evaporative vests are the lightest option but require water for activation. Consider how much additional weight you are comfortable managing while in character.

                  Performers PCM Cooling Vest

                  Image via EZCooldown

                  Ease of Use and Maintenance

                  • The ease with which a cooling vest can be prepared and maintained is another essential consideration. Ice pack vests require freezing and replacement of ice packs, which can be cumbersome if you lack easy access to a freezer. Phase change vests are more user-friendly, often only needing refrigeration. Evaporative vests require the least maintenance, just needing water to recharge, making them convenient for travel and conventions.
                  Cost Considerations

                  • Budget constraints can also influence your choice. Evaporative vests are generally the most affordable, followed by ice pack vests. Phase change vests are typically the most expensive due to the specialized materials they use. It’s important to balance cost with the features and benefits you prioritize.
                    Popular Brands and Models

                    There are several reputable brands in the market known for producing quality cooling vests for fursuiters. Here are a few popular options:

                    • TechKewl: Known for their phase change cooling vests, TechKewl offers a range of sizes and styles. Their vests are praised for comfort and long-lasting cooling.
                    • Glacier Tek: Another leader in phase change vests, Glacier Tek provides durable and reliable options that maintain a safe, cool temperature without becoming too cold.
                    • FlexiFreeze: Specializes in ice pack vests, offering a variety of designs with different numbers of ice packs for customizable cooling.
                    • HyperKewl: Focuses on evaporative cooling technology, providing lightweight and easy-to-use vests that are popular for their affordability and convenience.

                    Each brand and model has its unique features and benefits, so it’s worth researching and possibly trying different options to see what works best for your specific needs.

                    In the next section, we’ll cover how to properly use and maintain your cooling vest, ensuring it provides maximum comfort and effectiveness during your fursuiting activities.

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                      Looking for a place to meet other furries like yourself?

                      Click the button below and join the Fursonafy discord today! Join our Discord 4. How to Use and Maintain Your Cooling Vest Proper Usage Tips Preparing the Vest for Use

                      • Ice Pack Vests: Before using an ice pack vest, ensure the ice packs are fully frozen. This typically requires placing them in a freezer for several hours. Once frozen, insert the packs into the vest’s designated pockets. Be mindful of arranging them evenly to distribute the weight and cooling effect.
                      • Phase Change Cooling Vests: For phase change vests, you need to activate the cooling material by placing the vest in a refrigerator or a cool environment until the contents solidify. Some models may require a few hours, while others can be ready in less than an hour. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.
                      • Evaporative Cooling Vests: To activate an evaporative cooling vest, simply soak it in water until fully saturated. After soaking, gently wring out excess water to prevent dripping. The vest will begin to cool as the water evaporates.

                      Wearing the Vest Correctly Under a Fursuit

                      • Wear the cooling vest over a base layer, such as a moisture-wicking shirt. This helps protect your skin and allows for better temperature regulation. Ensure that the vest fits snugly but comfortably, allowing for a full range of motion. Check that all fastenings are secure and that the cooling packs or materials are evenly distributed. It’s important to test the vest’s fit with your fursuit to ensure it doesn’t restrict movement or create discomfort.

                          Difference Between a Fursuit With and Without a Cooling Vest

                          Image via Fur Affinity

                          Maintenance and Care

                          Cleaning Instructions

                          • Ice Pack Vests: Remove the ice packs before cleaning the vest. The vest can usually be hand-washed or machine-washed on a gentle cycle using mild detergent. Avoid harsh chemicals or bleach, which can degrade the materials. Allow the vest to air dry completely before reinserting the ice packs.
                          • Phase Change Cooling Vests: Similar to ice pack vests, phase change vests should be cleaned with care. Remove the cooling elements before washing. Hand wash the vest in cold water with a mild detergent, then lay flat to dry. Avoid direct sunlight, as UV rays can degrade the materials.
                          • Evaporative Cooling Vests: These vests are generally easy to clean. Rinse thoroughly after use, especially if you’ve used them in chlorinated water or seawater, to remove any residues. Hand wash with mild soap as needed and air dry. Ensure the vest is completely dry before storing to prevent mold or mildew.
                          Storage Recommendations

                          • Store your cooling vest in a cool, dry place when not in use. For ice pack and phase change vests, avoid leaving the packs in the freezer indefinitely, as this can lead to deterioration. Instead, store them at room temperature and freeze or cool them as needed. For evaporative vests, ensure they are fully dry before storing to prevent mold growth. It’s also a good idea to store the vest flat or hung up to maintain its shape.

                          By following these usage and maintenance guidelines, you can extend the life of your cooling vest and ensure it provides optimal comfort and cooling whenever you wear your fursuit. In the next section, we’ll explore real-life experiences and testimonials from fursuiters who have found cooling vests indispensable in their fursuiting adventures.


                              Staying cool and comfortable in a fursuit is essential for enjoying the full experience without compromising safety or performance. Cooling vests offer a practical solution to the challenges posed by the heat, providing different levels of cooling depending on the type and duration of use. Whether you prefer the intense cold of an ice pack vest, the steady cooling of a phase change vest, or the lightweight convenience of an evaporative vest, there is an option to suit every fursuiter’s needs.

                              It’s important to consider factors like the duration of cooling required, the vest’s weight, ease of use, and cost when choosing the right cooling vest. Proper usage and maintenance will ensure the vest’s longevity and effectiveness, making it a reliable companion for fursuiting adventures.

                              The testimonials from fursuiters highlight the real-world benefits of these vests, underscoring their role in enhancing comfort and safety. By incorporating a cooling vest into your fursuiting gear, you can extend your time in costume, perform better, and enjoy interacting with others without the worry of overheating.

                              As the furry community continues to grow and evolve, innovations like cooling vests make it easier and safer to participate in events and express oneself creatively. We encourage you to explore the different options available and find the cooling solution that best fits your needs. Stay cool, stay safe, and enjoy the magic of fursuiting to the fullest!

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                                Xege Kheiru

                                Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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                                The post Fursuit Cooling Vests: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                Categories: News

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                                Global Furry Television - Sun 4 Aug 2024 - 23:37

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                                In-Fur-Nation - Sun 4 Aug 2024 - 01:57

                                Steve Lafler is a renowned underground cartoonist who has made appearances here before. Now thanks to Cat-Head Comics we have a chance to see where he started with Dog Boy: Choice Cuts & Happy Endings. From Previews: “The 328-page oversize volume collects the best of Lafler’s pioneering 1980’s alternative comics title Dog Boy, known for its undulating psychedelic twists, coupled with low-brow tropes that border on slapstick. The date is 1982, the early dawn in the alternative comics movement. Steve Lafler, bohemian cartoonist, taps into his unconscious mind and finds his inner Dog Boy: An unruly man-child equipped with a Golden Retriever head!” It’s available now in trade paperback.

                                image c. 2024 Cat-Head Comics

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                                Bloomburrow: A Furtastic Adventure 

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                                Categories: News

                                Therians vs. Quadrobists

                                Ask Papabear - Wed 31 Jul 2024 - 18:41

                                I am a therian and postfurry. I have been a therian for 7 years and I've watched the community grow drastically. People are thinking therianthropy is a trend and spreading tons of misinformation like "It's a mental illness, you need gear and quadrobics, choose your theriotype, I chose therianthropy."

                                I just can't anymore. I wear my gear practically everywhere because I don't really care for people and their looks anymore. I don't even care about the daily death threats and comments anymore! I care about my poor community falling into a "trend" and absolute chaos. I sometimes wish therianthropy didn't blow up. It was still very underground when I joined--a couple of videos, forums, websites--but now everything's different.

                                IDK if that's me being nonaccepting of these new, young therians who are most likely not an ACTUAL DEEPLY CONNECTED therians, or if it's just me seeing the damage social media has done to this world. I stay up all night sometimes, doing research on different topics, trying to understand them, or trying to find evidence to support a claim that's false. I spend my nights just trying to save at least my community.

                                I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of seeing all these new therians posting videos on TikTok about quadrobics and gear. That's not what therianthropy is about. That is a form of expression to the community, yes, but it's not entirely about that. It's just there to make you feel comfortable in your own body.

                                I know this was a lot, but I'm really trying my hardest to see if I'm overreacting and delusional or I'm just confused and trying to do good for these maybe actual problems.

                                Willow (14)

                                * * *

                                Dear Willow:

                                Thank you for your timely letter. For the last couple of years, I, too, have been thinking about this issue. I'm not a therian, but it is interesting to see how a new generation is trying to change the definition of "therian."

                                Since I am posting this on my website, please indulge me while I explain a couple of things that my readers might not know (but you probably do, since you said you have researched this.)

                                What IS a therian?

                                According to, a therian (or therianthrope) is " someone who experiences animalistic traits. There are some therianthropes who identify as something animalistic which may not have existed on earth. Theriomythics (mythical beasts such as dragons) are among these and it is an individual choice if they consider themselves to be therianthropes or otherkin. There are many theories as to why therianthropy is experienced. Some believe their therianthropy to be caused through reincarnation or misplaced souls, while others attribute it to scientific or psychological reasons such as imprinting, an innate predisposition, abnormalities in neurological wiring, or any of a number of various other theories."

                                In truth, the idea of therians and otherkin has been evolving for decades. When I first got into the fandom actively about 15 years ago (I have been a furry all my life, but not always active), "otherkin" was defined purely as someone who identified as some kind of mythological or other-dimensional being--most often beings such as elves and dragons--who either originated in another earthlike dimension or from another planet. Today, the idea of otherkin and therian often blend together, or one term is seen as a subgroup of the other (as in all therians are otherkin but not all otherkin are therians ... OR! All otherkin are therians but not all therians are otherkin). For this reason, a lot of people throw up their hands and say it doesn't really matter what the exact definition is, and then they group otherkin and therians under the umbrella category called alterkin or (less common) alterhumans. Now! For fun! Guess what? Here are a bunch of categories under alterkin!

                                Types of Alterkin:

                                ·   Angelkin/demonkin: those who identify with angels and demons
                                ·   Celestials: those who identify as higher space/dimensional beings
                                ·   Fictionkin: those who identify with fictional characters
                                ·   Godkin: those who identify with various gods and goddesses (small “g,” not big “G”)
                                ·   Lycans/Lycanthropes: werewolves
                                ·   Mythkin: could be a simile for otherkin if you define otherkin in narrow terms
                                ·   Objectkin: yes, indeed, people who identify with objects; often, this is an inanimate object in the form of a toy such as a doll (think Toy Story, Brave Little Toaster)
                                ·   Otherkin: those who identify as various mythologicals; or, sometimes, an umbrella term
                                ·   Plantkin/Phytanthrope: those who identify as a plant species
                                ·   Spacekin: those who identify with bodies in space (e.g. suns, planets, moons, asteroids)
                                ·   Therians: those who identify as animals in some form
                                ·   Werebeasts: associated closely with therians and referring to people who can transform spiritually or sometimes physically into animals (werewolves, werebears, etc.)

                                Whew! To be brief, all of these variations of people who believe they are--in part or in whole--something other than human. This otherness can be emotional or psychological. Now, there are some alterkin--especially lycans--who say they can in some ways physically shift. Usually, this is not a complete transformation like you might see in The Twilight Saga or An American Werewolf in London, but instead a partial transformation. I have had some lycans tell me that their incisors get longer or they grow tails or more hair or pointy ears, that sort of thing.

                                Therians are one of the topics I discuss in The Furry Book: The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of the Furry Fandom. In this excerpt, I explain that not only do therians shift but there are different kinds of shifting:

                                "Shifts can occur either on purpose, such as through meditation, lucid dreaming, or some other mental discipline, or involuntarily, such as when certain outside stimuli set off a shift. This can be things such as being surprised or shocked or upset by something, by finding oneself in an environment that inspires animal instincts (e.g., a camping trip in the wilderness or a trip to a zoo or animal sanctuary), or by being among other therians. Also, there is something called a 'vacillant' or 'suntherian,' which are therians who have more subtle shifts, rather than abrupt shifts, between human and nonhuman identities."

                                "Therians might shift into just one kind of animal or they might have multiple animal form possibilities (called polytherians). Some polytherians might shift into just a certain genus of species (cladtherians), such as any type of canid (wolf, dog, fox, coyote, African wild dog, etc.)."

                                "Finally, there are two types of non-shifting therians: simple nonshifters who do not experience any kind of mental, spiritual, or emotional shift but who still feel they have an animal spirit or soul within them, and contherians, who are constantly experience their animal form in one way or another."

                                At this point you may have noticed that in none of the above discussions do I once say that therians galavant around on all fours while wearing tails and ears. This phenomenon is quite recent, originating in Japan and inspired by an athlete named Kenichi Ito, who set a world record by running a 100-meter dash on hands and feet. As with many furry-related things, the influence of Japanese culture on the American fandom in particular is strong, and sometime in the 2000s, quadrobics became popular with young therians. Because it is fascinating to watch, especially when performed by a person wearing ears and tail, the media glomped onto it after various posts on TikTok and YouTube brought the sport to life. Consequently, many younger furries and therians are now enamored by the concept that a therian is someone who partakes in this four-legged practice.

                                Of course, this is incorrect. Quadrobics is not what being therian is about. Or alterkin, for that matter. Although some of the quadropists assert they do identify with animals in some way, I sense that most of them pursue the activity just for fun and to get noticed on social media.

                                As with furries, you have to beware of the gatekeepers. No, you don't need to do quadrobics to be a therian. No, you don't need to wear anything to be a therian. No, you don't even have to pick a single type of alterkin if you don't want to.

                                To be blunt, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, and you don't have to listen to what anyone tells you to do (not even Papabear LOL; just take all my writing here with a grain of salt and do what you feel is right for you.)

                                Willow, I'm going to tell you what I tell many people who write to my column: You are not responsible for your community or what other people think of it or even how they define it. You are too young to get anxiety and heartburn because you are so concerned about how others think of therians.

                                Choose your own path. Let others choose theirs. If others don't like you or say mean things to you because they have created a mould that you refuse to be poured into, then that is their problem, not yours. If a bunch of quadrobists want to call themselves "therians," then even though you and I might disagree with that definition, who cares? They certainly don't. You know in your heart who you really are, and that puts you way ahead of others in this game of life, Willow. Some people don't figure out who they are until they are old and gray. Some people never figure it out. You sound like you got it down, and you're only 14!

                                For you, being a therian is "just there to make you feel comfortable in your own body." And you are correct. That is the definition that is right for you. Good job.

                                You are not "delusional" at all. And you are not confused. Where you have gone wrong is by making this a problem. It is not a problem, and it is especially not your problem.

                                Let others have their fun. Let them be. And, by the same account, don't let others bother you with their drama. Just say, "Hey, this is what I am, and this is what I enjoy. If you can't deal with who I am, not my problem. Have a nice day."

                                Blessed Be, Willow.


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                                Global Furry Television - Tue 30 Jul 2024 - 22:34

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                                TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 38

                                TigerTails Radio - Tue 30 Jul 2024 - 04:23

                                TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 38. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
                                Categories: Podcasts