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ConFurence 2003 Hotel Reservations online

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You may now make hotel reservations for ConFurence 2003 via Hilton's online reservation system at for ConFurence 2003. The 3-letter group code for our event this year is "COC"

Standard rooms are $102 per night, and Jr. Suites are $135 for up to two people. Third and 4th guests are an additional $20 per night.

Stay tuned for an announcement at LosCon 29 (Thanksgiving Weekend) regarding the "Furry Homesteading Act of CF2003." More details later, but keep your hotel reservation confirmation number handy to be designated a "Furry Homesteader" with special benefits.For more information about LosCon 29, visit the LASFS website. The ConFurence Group is running a Fan Table at LosCon 29 and will be hosting a Furry Party on Saturday Night of the convention. LosCon 29, which is held at the Hilton Burbank Airport and Convention Center is located at the same hotel where ConFurence 2003 will be held.

ConFurence 2003: "The Furry West" is the 15th Annual Anthropomorphic Convention and Exhibition, and is hosted by The ConFurence Group. Visit ConFurence.Net for more information about this and other events hosted by The ConFurence Group.


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About the author

darrelx (Darrel L. Exline)read storiescontact (login required)

a courtroom technology specialist from Lemon Grove, San Diego, CA, interested in polar bears, and furry fandom of course.

Owner / Director, The ConFurence Group, promoting anthropomorphic fandom-realted events since 1999. Chairman: ConFurence 2003; Dealer''s Room Lead: Conjecture (October in San Diego), Fan Tables at LosCon 29 (Burbank, Nov. 2002)