Upcoming Furry Comics for June 2005
Doodles' comics listing for your viewing pleasure.Summertime, and the livin's easy...
pg 33
DARK HORSE (www.darkhorse.com)
Usagi Yojimbo #85 - $2.99 - order #APR050035
Part 3 of "The Treasure of The Mother of Mountains" has Tomoe caught
betweeen turning herself in to Lord Sanada or letting Usagi be executed.
pg 96
DC COMICS (www.dccomics.com)
Looney Tunes #127 - $2.25 - order #APR050366
This issue is chock full of Pepe LePew, so alert Plush-She that she needs to
break out the pin money.
Scooby-Doo #97 - $2.25 - order #APR050368
Some unknown critter terrorizes the gang. Maybe it's ebola. If we're
pg 210
ABOUT COMICS (www.aboutcomics.com)
Licensible Bear #2 - $2.95 - order #APR052503
The cute little bundle of consumer product goodness returns in this issue
heading to a convention where he faces imposters, children, and obscure
superguy Mister U.S.
pg 240
ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC (www.aliasenterprises.com)
Pakkin's Land #3 - $2.99 - order #APR052547
pg 245
AMBITION STUDIOS (www.ambitionstudios.com)
Swampfox: Birth of a Legend GN - $14.95 - order #APR052580
This book by Jonathan Myers is an anthropomorphic version of the
Revolutionary War story of farmer turned guerilla Francis Marion, who would
be called an insurgent and a terrorist if he was working these days...
pg 250
ANTARCTIC PRESS (www.antarctic-press.com)
Gold Digger #65 - $2.99 - order #APR052593
pg 251
Ninja High School #129 - $2.99 - order #APR052601
Oz the Manga #1 - $2.99 - order #APR052602
by David Hutchinson. Frank L. Baum, filtered through Tokyopop...
pg 254
ARCANA STUDIO (www.arcanastudio.com)
Fuzzy Bunnies From Hell Vol. 1 TPB - $9.95 - order #APR052632
From the catalog: "The first time he was unleashed he almost destroyed the
world but, due to the betrayal of his conjurer, he was stopped and returned
to sender. Now Hell doesnít want him and he is back! And Hell hath no fury
like a demon rabbit scorned." Okayyyy....
pg 268
BIG POND COMICS (www.bigpondcomics.com)
Dandy and Company Anthrology #5 - $3.95 - order #APR052715
pg 310
GEMSTONE PUBLISHING (www.gemstonepub.com)
Donald Duck and Friends #329 - $2.95 - order #APR052911
pg 311
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck TP - $16.95 - order #APR052912
This book collects Don Rosa's epic biography of Scrooge McDuck into one
volume. A must-have.
Mickey Mouse Adventures Vol. 4 TP - $7.95 - order #APR052913
Mickey Mouse and Friends #278 - $2.95 - order #APR052914
Uncle Scrooge #343 - $6.95 - order #APR052915
Walt Disney's Comics & Stories #658 - order #APR052916
pg 332
MIRAGE STUDIOS (www.ninjaturtles.com)
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #12 - $3.25 - order #APR053013
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #22 - $2.95 - order #APR053014
pg 333
MU PRESS (www.mupress.com)
Wild #13 - $3.75 - order #APR053022
ADULTS ONLY This issue is a preview to the new series "Minkenstein," by
Chris Lightfoot, Phil Foglio & Steve Crompton.
pg 339
RADIO COMIX (www.radiocomix.com)
Furlough #149 - $3.50 - order#APR053059
This issue continues Christina Hanson's "Ebin and May," as well as bringing
us Aaron Romo's "Fairview High." cover by Diana Harlan-Stein
Genus #72 - $3.50 - order#APR053061
pg 341
SHANDA FANTASY ARTS (www.shandafantasyarts.net)
Katmandu #32 - $4.99 - order#APR053072
Quinn the Raccoon Special - #4.99 - order #APR053073
pg 366
TOKYOPOP (www.tokyopop.com)
Sgt. Frog Vol. 9 - $9.99 - order #APR053130
That's this month's listing. Catch you in 30 days!

About the author
Aureth — read stories — contact (login required)an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running
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