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From the list below, pick your favorite SF gadget.

Edited by Aureth
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Genesis Device
7% (36 votes)
13% (63 votes)
4% (18 votes)
Seven of Nine
17% (85 votes)
Photon Torpedo
2% (11 votes)
19% (92 votes)
The Matrix
22% (107 votes)
17% (82 votes)
Votes: 494


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for me this was a sort of toss up between jump gates and my own staff of themnax -
most of my real favorites weren't mentioned - but then that's to be expected since they are from print stories that for the most part as far as i know have never been made into movies or series and are highly unlikely ever to
ted sturgeon i think it was - though i could be mystaken and oftem am - gave us the belt of xendu - basicly a psionic amplification and tuning device worn as an ordinary belt -
and i don't know where the idea for what i call power bands came from - basicly highly directional non-leathal ultrasonic stunners worn on wrists and possibly ankles and possibly providing booster power to the 'belt'
elvish cloaks are of course from tolkins fantacies but a tecnological equivelant is being developed for the military but is still too bulky and cumbersom to be of any real practical civilian interest yet (although it's a safe bet mafioso types would love to get their hands on them - and considering their track record probably have)
(something of the sort has also been featured in a number of episodes of b5, earth final conflict, and even the old dr who - but b5 is where i've seen them most) -
but my favorite is still my own staff of many functions - which dispite the implications of its name is primarily a tecnological rather then magical or psionic device.
aside from being handy as a flashlight, walking stick and bludgeon/singlestick - it can also generate a surgicly fine cutting beam, a field of deflection and a field that causes metalic objects moving through it to rapidly estivate - hopefully before reaching its user ... and the surface except for a couple of unobvious places to hand on to it can instantly at the flick of a wrist become hot inouge to kindle whatever flamiable objects it comes in contact with - such as for example the paws of someone its wielder is enguaged in hand to hand with should they attempt to grab it away - this is also more innocently handy for such things as igniting campfires ...
oh and it also fires somewhat rifle like a small number of sleep inducing darts -
that's all - just an innocent little multifunction 'walking stick' ... ~;)

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Dude, that just made my brain hurt, trying to read what you wrote. Punctuation, capitalization, and spell check are your friends. Visit them more often, will ya?

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No Sonic Screwdriver!

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Funny, I always thought that was an alcoholic drink, not an SF gadget....

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Sonic Screwdriver - The Time Lords combination Duct Tape and Swiss Army Knife.

Can be both a tool and a weapon.

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So a sonic screwdriver is a mixture of vodka and orange juice that you pour in your ear?

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No, it's a combination of vodka and hedgehog.

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A disgusting lack of Dr. Who fanatics...

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What about a High Guard force lance? Those are way cool. They seem to do everything but cook your breakfast.


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I'm told that feature is coming in the next beta release.

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Hmmm, I expected my fellow furs to think a bit differently. What about a genetic manipulator that would allow one to change shape? I'd definitely be willing to play around with such a device for a while!

Or how about a probability gateway that could take you to the worlds that might have been? Say, a world where hundreds of intelligent species live cooperatively on Earth, instead of what we have now?

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What we have now is a bunch of insane morons on one side and a group of moderatly to genius on the other and a small group of about three who think, simply put, "This sucks. Forget em." and just go about with their daily lives.

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What? No lightsaber?

A slipgate that akes you to furry worlds would be even niftier.
-Iron Badger-

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Bloody 'Ell! You left off my fav...the roll of duct tape!!

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Personally, my favorite techy gadget would be a small female mouse from Rescue Rangers...


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Sonic screwdriver! Why on earth is there no sonic screwdriver? Or 900-year diary?

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Pan Galactic Gargleblaster?

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Is it supposed to be sci fi gaget poll or Star Trek gadget poll it seems to be?

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