Southeast Missouri's Capaha Arrow interviews student furs
Posted by GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) on Thu 6 May 2010 - 14:34 — Edited as of 14:52
SEMO's Capaha Arrow interviews two local furs: Island (owner of Balubeere) and Lupercus.
Balubeere was spotted by student reporters while debating Brother Jed, a local preacher who comes to the university to – in Island's words – "tell everyone they're going to hell."
Watch: Blaubeere invades the cafeteria, argues with his owner and sings for his creator.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
Youtube links are broken.
All three are working fine here. What browser are you using, and what is it showing when you try to open them?
Perhaps you're trying to open the links from an RSS reader/site that doesn't properly handle protocol-relative URIs?
Nvm youtube links are working.
*reads article*
Oh no, bringing up religion around furries is never a good idea :(
I always find those religious convertists ironic in 2 ways.
One they usually try and scare people by threatening them with hell, while of course denouncing people for playing God... Isn't condemning someone to hell like the main part of God's job? Why are they not playing God for doing that?
Two, they tend to shun Darwinistic principals yet their very methods are trying to make people fight for the "survival" of their soul. They play off the animalistic need to survive and use it to try and make people feel without them they won't "survive" after death.
Not all preachers do this of course. But usually those preachers are the ones that just run their churches, not go out onto school campuses or what not.
Religion and furs don't always mix well. Or more specifically, Christianity and furs. I find it strage that Iv'e only ever seen Christians advertising their religion. Iv'e never seen muslims or jews appearing in public places and advertising. Has anyone else seen this?
I've seen Muslims blow people up for not being Muslim, does that count as trying to persuade someone to be a member?
Jews however, no, I haven't seen any pushy Jews personally. I lived in Lakewood, NJ for a bit which has a high orthodox Jew population, and the oddest thing I saw was them burning stuff in the middle of town on Ash Wednesday. Don't know what kind of tradition/protest that was.
Though I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you'd find a pushy Jew somewhere. Though I think for the most part they don't push hard because they understand what it's like to be at the end of persecution, so they tend not to do so themselves.
It's no big surprise that those who are persecuted the most are less likely to persecute others.
Christians haven't really been prosecuted in the ways those of other religions had. Like whites haven't been persecuted as a race to the extent of other races. In both cases they seem to be hypersensitive to even the smallest of skews and shout persecution. Compared to what others have been through, their claims seem pretty whiny. Particularly in America, where unlike some places in Europe, being a particular kind of Protestant won't get you bombed.
But as it's said: For every action, there is an equal and opposite overreaction.
One of the possible distinctions to draw between religions is whether they are ethnic or universalizing. An ethnic religion typically stays within a certain ethnic group and does not seek to proselytize; a universalizing religion, in contrast, attempts to draw as many adherents as possible and does proselytize.
Of the major Abrahamic faiths, Christianity was always a prototype of a universalizing religion. Islam and Judaism both began as ethic religions and expanded mostly through conquest, but they have (arguably) become somewhat universalizing over time. (Others obviously would disagree with this view.)
Hopefully this is at least a bit helpful.
Just remember, Mickey died for your sins, no matter what the colour of your fur!
It's because we live in western civilization and all western civilization and laws are based off of roman and greek laws and traditions and towards the end of the roman empire they were christian instead of being polytheistic.
If you lived in eastern civilization you would see buddhism and taoism and maoism trying make people join.
It's just that since the majority of furries are either gay or bi and most furries are either agnostic or atheistic many furries don't like christianity or religion in general.
The christianfurs group may seem mean to most furs, but in reality since christians are the minority in the fandom, they get trolled and that by the gays/bis/agnostics/atheists/etc and are essentially the scapegoats for many furs because of how the gay/bi/pans furries have to deal with the threat of getting thrown out if they come out of the closet or they already got thrown out for their sexuality.
Also for many furries the boundless acceptance so many furries have adopted as the motto for the furry fandom clashes with christian morals.
See I can be serious if I want too :)
Well there are some christian denominations that are accepting. An example would be the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America) which not only allow gay members but also ordain gay pastors. Alot of the ELCA tends to have a more...liberal view on what they support, duing research and developing theories while seldom relying on the Bible for their answer. An example: Cloning, they aren't for or against cloning right now because they are still looking into it. They don't think its playing God, so one thing they are looking at is if cloning denies the clone a possible right to a unique genome set. They also tend to get along the best with people of other religions and views. I mate is an atheist, and my parents know and we're ELCA, they don't care.
When I used to work in New York City I always met groups of Orthodox Jews passing out literature, especially around Passover. Then there was a splinter group known as "Jews for Jesus." They were a constant in downtown Manhattan. I've never seen a Muslim group pass out literature. There were a lot of Christians handing out literature in the subways. I've even seen ads in subway cars offering classes to learn about Judaism.
"Jews for Jesus"
Oy, Lord, those people...
As for the Orthodox, if it was around Passover, it may have been something as simple as an offer to give away or to sell some or all of the chametz (i.e., substances considered to be leaven and not matzah) to others, either permanently or for the duration of Passover. But I can't remember if that's something the Orthodox do: the traditional way of disposing of such things is to burn them, but at least among Reform and probably Conservative, it's sufficient to remove the foods not kosher for Passover from the household, and perhaps with the additional proviso that they not be still under the ownership of the Jewish household.
But then again, the last time I went to religious Sunday school was 8 years ago. I don't think I'm making this up, but I might be screwing up some of the details. LOL religion.
Many of the Orthodox were handing out literature about passover, and while they were not evangelizing I got the impression they would more than welcome you to their synagogue if you were so inclined to learn more. I've always found them to be a friendly group.
As for the Jews for Jesus, they were more evangelical, dressed more casually. Mostly young conservative Jews who also believed that Christ was the messiah. Another nice bunch of people, very polite.
Geez and to think we only did a quick questionarie interview. The harassing of Brother Jed Smock was just an added bonus. Plus I was mainly there to entertain the students. The debating part was after he kinked my tail with his homophobic venom. The student baptist leader actually shook my hand while I was in suit after I finished tongue lashing Brother Jed. So even Mr. Smock wasn't liked by the other christians on campus. It's not just furries that dislike the man, it's damn near the whole populas.
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