Morphicon July 2010 newsletter, website redesign
Hard hats not required but please mind your step. The Morphicon website is currently being redesigned to reflect next year's theme: Furries in Wonderland. Content will be added as it progresses so keep an eye or ear to here or on Twitter for any new announcements.
To help tide you over until the new site is up, we are pleased to announce the latest Morphicon newsletter (finally!). We welcome your feedback and input for next issue. Please feel free to send ideas/comments to publicity[at]!
Morphicon Miscellanea - July 2010 Edition
-= Morphicon State Fair - Alas We Hardly Knew Ye =-
The gates are closed, the rides torn down, and the wind blows the last remnants of State Fair down the midway. This year's Morphicon closed on May 16th with much fanfare, with an estimated attendance in excess of 300 furs. This years livestock, er, pet auction and charity raffle earned $666 for Ferrets Unlimited (due to an additional $2 contributed late by an anonymous donor *cough* Savant *cough*). Coupled with your generosity in sampling their wares, FURS was able to net more than a thousand dollars to help their disadvantaged furry children, continuing Morphicon's tradition of supporting a worthy cause. We also wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to this year's Guests of Honor: Floki and Bumblebee, and the mini-GoH, Mothra. Their assistance in a number of panels and demonstrations of their RPG World Tree were truly a treat. It was an honor to have this team grace State Fair with the presence. And lastly, an enormous thanks you to, our the ticket holders to this years con. You're the whole reason were here and truly hope you join us next year in a romp through Wonderland.
-= Exhibits =-
Morphicon State Fair was certainly not lacking for content. With over one hundred panels and events, hosted by thirty-nine different panelists, there was something for everyone to see or do. In addition to the ubiquitous drawing and writing panels and SIGs, we were treated this year to new additions, including Furs That Cook, Pipecleaner Animals, and special screenings of the documentary Through Fox's Eyes, which spawned two related panels, The Great Debate: Defining Furry and The Science of Making Furries. Truly a veritable feast of programming. Nevertheless, if you have suggestions or would like to host a panel yourself, please feel free to contact the Morphicon staff. We are always looking for new ideas and would love to incorporate events you would like to see and attend. Honestly. We don't bite (hard).
-= Lemon Shake-Up =-
The end of State Fair also brought about the retirement of three important staff members: Pelzig (Operations), Kasi (Security), and Chaz Wolf (Publicity). Out deepest gratitude goes to these three furs for their time and work in the betterment of Morphicon and we have been assured they will continue to attend in an unofficial capacity.
Their replacements, respectively, are Bastian Duvane and Ed Hyena, Rowen, and Foxx (in a box). Bastian has been so busy already con-related behind-the-scenes work, he was unable to give us anything to post. Ed has been a member of the fandom since 1994, when AOL and Telnet were relevant, and been conventioning since 2000. He has helped out at FCN, GenCon, and Origins and has come to Morphicon to ensure everything runs smoothly. Rowen, a veteran of Morphicon security, has been in the fandom since 1992 and has attended all but one Morphicon. This is her first time in such a position for any convention and she hopes to continue the success of the previous Director of Security. Foxx (in a box) has served the previous two years as the Writing Track Head. He hopes, with a little luck, to spread the word and continue Morphicon's prosperity.
-= Morphicon 2011 Theme Announced - Furries in Wonderland =-
That's right, it has been decided the theme for 2011 will be Furries in Wonderland. Come experience a world of fantasy next May when your favourite furs vanish down the rabbit hole for fun and much needed relaxation. Special dress, while not required, will help enliven the atmosphere but please note, if you wish to appear as the Cheshire Cat you must do so while wearing more than just a smile (unlike some other kitten we won't mention). See you there!
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About the author
Foxx (in a box) — read stories — contact (login required)a parts sales manager and Vulpes Vulpes from Columbus, OH, interested in writing, reading and music
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