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Morphicon Miscellanea (December 2012)

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Kon'nichiwa, bonjour, hola, and hello from all of us here at Morphicon, as we plan to welcome you to our tiny slice of the world here in Columbus, Ohio. 2013 is quickly approaching us and in less than a year we wish to welcome you to a small con with a global reach.

Morphicon plans to introduce you to furry cultures from all over our wonderful planet, so please join us and our Guests of Honor P.Moss and Ebony Leopard May 2–5 as we welcome you into our own little multicultural salad bowl; as long as some herbivores don't nom it first!

Review: 'Opal Wine', by Alan Loewen

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Opal WineAlan Loewen was the Author Guest of Honor at Morphicon 2012. To commemorate the occasion, he published this slim collection of thirteen of his anthropomorphic short stories. Eight of them were first published between 1998 and 2011, and five appear in this volume for the first time.

Three of these stories first appeared in Pawprints Fanzine, one of the leading Furry fanzines between 1994 and 2001; one in the Anthrocon 2003 convention book; and three in Ethereal Tales, a quarterly of “cute ‘n’ creepy” stories for gothic and fantasy fans since 2008. In other words, Loewen’s credentials as a Furry author are solid. Most of these stories are very short, only four or five pages; the longest is barely over thirty.

Most of these are stories in the well-established Furry tradition, offering little or no explanation for their anthropomorphic characters; they just are.

CreateSpace, March 2012, trade paperback $9.95 (ii + 113 pages), Kindle $2.99.

Morphicon 2012 t-shirt contest open

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There once was a con in Columbus,
Who had a problem quite humongus,
The shirts to be worn,
Remain unadorned,
So we call upon you - please save us!

That's right, folks, we need your help! The t-shirts we so adore each year are still blank slates in need of love. We're calling upon all artists, established or not, to submit their artwork for the annual Morphicon t-shirt contest.

Entries must be rated G to PG-13, and must relate to this year's theme, Fables and Furry Tails. The deadline is March 15th and you could win a Patron or Sponsor level registration.

We look forward to seeing what kind of wonderful art you can come up with!

Four furs booked in two days

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Ohio furs Brown Leopard (Ronald R. Packer II, 33), his wife, Wolfie Stonespirit (Jennifer Packer, 30) and Keba (Joseph O. Luna, 21) were arrested July 14 after exiting a barn around 3AM. The trio were charged with breaking and entering and receiving stolen property.

Marion County police recovered a large amount of stolen property from their home and estimate they have committed over sixty thefts in the area. Brown Leopard is also wanted in West Virginia for failure to appear on a weapons offense.

A day later, Sibe (Ross Herbert Reddick, 31) was booked into Clackamas County Jail, charged with third degree sexual abuse, recklessly endangering another person, contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor, endangering the welfare of a minor and sexual misconduct.

2010 Ursa Major Awards winners

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Ursa Major AwardsThe winners of the tenth annual Ursa Major Awards for the best anthropomorphic/"funny animal" literature and art first published during 2010 have been announced at a presentation ceremony tonight at Morphicon in Columbus, Ohio.

See also: Last year's winners, the 2010 nominees and other UMA coverage.

Last edition of 2011 Morphicon Miscellanea released

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Morphicon has released the last issue of Morphicon Miscellanea for its 2011 event. This newsletter contains the latest information on the Ursa Major Awards, masquerade, fursuit parade, Iron Author, charity auction and and other convention programming.

Morphicon early registration & t-shirt contest open

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Morphicon, Ohio's furry convention, has opened early registration on its new website.

Those registering before March 1 save $10 on Basic, Sponsor, and Patron donor levels. Early registration is the only way to register as a Hypertrophe. Extra funds could be used to support Morphicon's charity, Ferrets Unlimited Rescue Services.

As is traditional, Morphicon also seeks the most awesome design possible to adorn its t-shirts. Voting on designs begins February 21.

Morphicon Miscellanea - December 2010 newsletter

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After much waiting, the December 2010 edition of Morphicon Miscellanea is out! Inside we have an interview with Convention Chair Jewel regarding this year's theme Furries in Wonderland, tips on winter travel, an update on February Fursuit Bowling, and a request for your input.

Editor's note: Jewel also mentioned that The Frozen Oasis is to replace Friday night's dance as an official event, as announced at FOXmas 2010.

Morphicon August 2010 newsletter

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Morphicon's latest newsletter details their End-of-Summer Picnic and the Woollybear Festival.

Morphicon July 2010 newsletter, website redesign

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Hard hats not required but please mind your step. The Morphicon website is currently being redesigned to reflect next year's theme: Furries in Wonderland. Content will be added as it progresses so keep an eye or ear to here or on Twitter for any new announcements.

To help tide you over until the new site is up, we are pleased to announce the latest Morphicon newsletter (finally!). We welcome your feedback and input for next issue. Please feel free to send ideas/comments to publicity[at]!

Morphicon April newsletter

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Morphicon's 2010 April newsletter is up! Topics include:

  • Early Registration/Hotel Discount Ending
  • Charity Donations Needed
  • Spotlight on Convention Programming

Morphicon 2010 February Newsletter

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Morphicon's 2010 February newsletter is up - just in time for March 2nd! Topics include:

Early Registration Extended!
Charity Donations
Call for Morphicon Panels
Spectacle of Doom
Morphicon Tonight / Furry Variety Show Submissions
Comedy Hour of Doom
T-Shirt Contest -- Over and Out
"Through Fox's Eyes"
Call for Gophers

Morphicon 6 - March 2009 Newsletter

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March 2009 Newsletter
Morphicon 6: "Inner City Critters"
May 15-17th 2009
Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington in Columbus, Ohio
Guests of Honor: Joey-Poey and Bucktown Tiger

Morphicon Newsletter

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Morphicon 6: "Inner City Critters"
May 15-17th 2009
Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington in Columbus, Ohio
Guests of Honor: Joey-Poey and Bucktown Tiger

Morphicon is coming soon, read the full article below.

Morphicon September 2008 Newsletter

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Morphicon 6: "Inner City Critters" May 15-17, 2009
Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington, OH
Honoring: Joey Poey

In this issue:
Morphicon Freefall Picnic
New Chair
GOH Selection and 2009 Theme
Morphicon Staff Recruitment Drive!