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ConiFur seeks art, stories for convention book

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ConiFur is looking for black and white art, cartoons, stories, and poems for this year's convention book. Deadline is September 15. They are also accepting advertisements. The full announcement appears when you click "Read more" below.

We are accepting submissions of artwork and fiction for the ConiFur 2001 convention book!

We're looking for stories, stand-alone art, comics, poems -- anything we can print in a black & white 8 1/2 x 11 inch booklet, so long as it features anthropomorphics and is suitable for all ages. Material with a Pacific Northwest flavor is especially desired, but we're happy to receive any quality material you are willing to submit.

Once again this year we would like to run our "Funday Funnies" section, so comic strips and cartoons are especially welcome.

Deadline for submission is September 15, 2001. Specifications and other details can be found on the web at:

We can accept submission via snail mail or e-mail.

Send inquires or submissions directly to the con book editor at:

Email Address:

Mailing Address:

Gene Breshears

c/o Tai-Pan

PMB #532

6201 15th Ave NW

Seattle, WA 98107-2382

All material appearing in the convention book is subject to approval by both the convention book editor and the convention chairman. We have limited space, so we can't print everything, sorry.

Full-page advertisements are available at $25. Ad artwork, inquiries, and payments must be sent to convention headquarters:, ConiFur NorthWest, 2406 SW 308TH PL, Federal Way, WA 98023

Do not send advertising to the book editor. Do not send art, stories, et al, to the con headquarters. :)

See the website for details. E-mail the editor (taipan{at} for any questions not answered on the web page.

I look forward to seeing your creations!

Gene Breshears, taipan{at}

ConiFur Publications Coordinator


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