2009 Ursa Major Award nominations open
Posted by The Chained Wolf on Thu 21 Jan 2010 - 09:52 — Edited by GreenReaper as of Wed 10 Nov 2010 - 21:31
Nominations for the 2009 Ursa Major Awards are now open.
The Ursa Majors are the main awards given out by the furry fandom. Nominations are sent in by furries on a range of different subjects including films, comics, literature and games.
Nominations for the final short list will be open until 28th February, with the final round of voting taking place from 13th March until 18th April.
Those short of ideas on who to vote for can read the "Recommended Anthropomorphics List".

About the author
The Chained Wolf — read stories — contact (login required)a journalist and Grey Wolf from England
I have worked as a journalist formerly for The Furtean Times.
I'm voting for "Who are the furries?", the news article for which I was interviewed.
Of course, this time they're not open for everyone.
You may want to post that information on the WikiFur and Wikipedia articles concerning the awards.
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