Transfur relaxes content policy after user survey

Transformation art archive Transfur has relaxed its content policy, after surveys suggested enforcement of existing rules was negatively impacting the site.
The new rules remove a long list of forbidden transformation subjects, simply a skill warning, and permit occasional works not involving a direct transformation.
Over the years we lost sight of the reasons for the original rules and focused too much on a strict enforcement of them. The only thing that we succeeded in doing was portraying Transfur as a negative, rule mongering, unfriendly place to visit.
Administrators say art "should" still involve transformation, and "obscene, violent, and extremely offensive" transformations remain forbidden. Public commentary has been generally negative – albeit dominated by those focusing on rules which were not modified to their liking (or at all).
Transfur has a reputation for strict moderation, leading to comments (NSFW) like "i thought stuff this cool was against the rules".
The change came just a week after Inkbunny began to allow PG-rated humans in artwork.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
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