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Motion picture: 'Escape from Planet Earth'

Edited by GreenReaper as of Tue 19 Feb 2013 - 04:33
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Escape from Planet EarthIf Avatar could win the Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture in 2009, then Furry fandom should LOVE Escape from Planet Earth. More blue aliens! Furry aliens! A plot that will remind you of Planet 51! Lots of 7-11! Originally scheduled for a 2010 release but now due out from the Weinstein Company and Rainmaker Entertainment in Vancouver on February 14, 2013.

Maybe. The Weinstein Company is being sued for $50,000,000 over this movie, and a judge has ordered an advance private screening of it. Watch the trailer while it’s available.


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Rainmaker? don't let this movie get axed, i want to see a ReBoot movie!

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This is the second day of the release of "Escape from Planet Earth", and the critics are underwhelmed:

Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 31% from the critics, but a 76% from audiences. Presumably the audiences are mostly small children and their parents.

Fred Patten

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Box Office Mojo reports that “Escape from Planet Earth” has been released on 3,288 screens and has brought in an estimated $16,066,000 on its first weekend out. IMDb ranked it at #4 in the week's Top Ten. Not too shabby. The promo visuals seem to be playing up the very furry Doc, the three-eyed Thurman, and the hulking cyclopean Io, the three supporting anthropomorphic aliens imprisoned in Area 51, rather than Gary and Scorch Supernova, the Big Blue Aliens who are the movie's stars.

Fred Patten

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“Escape from Planet Earth” seems to be doing much better than the movie experts predicted, and they are trying to figure out why they were wrong. Here are the Cartoon Brew’s, Moviefone’s, and Erick Weber’s Final Cut takes. Notice that the discussions of the movie’s success are all introduced with stills emphasizing Doc, Thurman, and Io, the three charismatic animallike aliens.

CNN reported: "Weinstein's animated effort Escape from Planet Earth benefited from the fact that no family films have hit theaters in almost two months and finished in fourth place with $16.1 million. Facing no family competition, Escape, which cost $40 million, fared better than Weinstein's last attempt to get into the animation game, Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil, which bombed with just $10.1 million in April 2011. Despite poor reviews, Escape from Planet Earth wound up with a "B+" CinemaScore grade."

Fred Patten

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Well! On its second weekend out, “Escape from Planet Earth” has placed third in the box office Top Ten, climbing to a gross so far of $35,144,000. That is considerably better than “Astro Boy”, “Mars Needs Moms”, and “Alpha and Omega” did in the totality of their releases; it has just topped “9”; and it is fast approaching the $42,194,060 of “Planet 51”, the movie that several reviewers said that it looked very similar to. What results will week 3 bring?

Fred Patten

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It is still getting a respectable audience on its third weekend out, earning $6,730,000 for a total box office gross to date of $43,213,000. This puts it ahead of the total b.o. of “Planet 51”. “Escape from Planet Earth” has dropped to sixth in the week’s Top Ten, but remaining in the Top Ten after three weeks is no mean feat.

Fred Patten

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4 weeks in release and “Escape from Planet Earth” is still in the Top Ten, although barely, in 9th place. It has made an additional $3,207,000, bringing its total to date to $47,844,105. It is approaching Weinstein’s top animation grosser, "Hoodwinked", at $51,386,611.

Fred Patten

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Week 5. $2,327,000 more, for a total to date of $52,341,568. That makes “Escape from Planet Earth” the Weinstein Company’s #1 animated feature, ahead of the $51,386,611 record set by “Hoodwinked” in 2005. “Escape from Planet Earth” is also still in the Top Ten, although in last place.

Fred Patten

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Week 6. “Escape from Planet Earth” is definitely slowing down. It is no longer in the Top Ten at all. Its new total is $53,354,899; only $477,522 more than last week’s total. “The Croods”, released this weekend, is the new #1 grosser, bringing in $43,639,736. At that rate, it will probably surpass “Escape from Planet Earth” by next week.

Fred Patten

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7th week. “Escape from Planet Earth” has not quite stalled, but its total this week is $54,003,894, less than $1,000,000 more than last week’s $53,354,899 Meanwhile, “The Croods” stands at $93,893,394, so far ahead of “Escape from Planet Earth” that it isn’t even funny. It's nice that "Escape from Planet Earth" has so confounded the critics who predicted that it would never top the $10,000,000 mark, much less earn its estimated $40,000,000 production costs back.

Fred Patten

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