Upcoming furry comics for May 2013 (Previews and Marvel Previews)
Previews for May featured an interview with Stan Sakai; he’s finishing up 47 Ronin soon and looking forward to getting back to Usagi Yojimbo. Before that, though, he mentions that he wants to do a non-canonical mini-series featuring the ronin rabbit versus the Martians from The War of the Worlds. So that’s something to look forward to.
Also, remember Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 4.
:01 First Second
Odd Duck
Written by Cecil Castellucci, art by Sara Varon
96 pages, full color, US $15.99
“Theodora is a perfectly normal duck. She may swim with a teacup balanced on her head and stay north when the rest of the ducks fly south for the winter, but there’s nothing so odd about that. Chad, on the other hand, is one strange bird. Theodora quite likes him, but she can’t overlook his odd habits. It’s a good thing Chad has a normal friend like Theodora to set a good example for him. But maybe Chad’s not the only odd duck here.”
Aardvark Vanaheim
Cerebus Volume 9: Reads
Trade Paperback
Art and writing by Dave Sim
250 pages, black and white, US $20
“Reads, an examination of creativity, the traditional role of the creator in a capitalistic society, an experiment in autobiography, and the long-awaited showdown between Cerebus and Cirin.”
Cerebus Volume 10: Minds
Trade Paperback
Art and writing by Dave Sim
250 pages, black and white, US $20
“It was called everything from the Mein Kampf of comics to the nearest reproduction of a mystical experience in print form. Is it neither? Both? Or something in between? Find out in this expansive volume.”
Amaze Ink/Slave Labor Graphics
Amity Blamity Book 1
Trade Paperback
Art and writing by Mike White
160 pages, black and white, US $10.95
“Gretchen is a shy 4-year-old and Chester is a potbellied pig. They live with Gretchen’s Grandma and listless Uncle Downey in rural America. Mistaking their afternoon activity of playing office for entrepreneurial gusto, Downey recruits the duo to assist in his deluded aspirations of running moonshine. Soon, they must save their degenerate Uncle from a strange genetic mutation!”
Andrews McMeel
Get Fuzzy: The Fuzzy Bunch
Trade Paperback
Writing and art by Darby Conley
128 pages, partial color, US $12.99
“Bucky Katt is a rather obstinate Siamese who constantly battles his owner Rob for control of their home. Satchel Pooch, Labrador-Shar-pei mix who’s sweet and lovable, makes a nice lackey for Bucky. Rob Wilco is a bachelor trying to regain household domesticity. Together, this seemingly threesome gets into some less-than-typical but hilarious situations. There’s never a dull moment at the Wilco residence.”
Antarctic Press
Gold Digger #201
Writing and art by Fred Perry
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The Amazons of Jade have a unique case for Gina: A group of Athle (primitive, male Amazons) have become too inquisitive and ventured into a portal from Jade to Florida! Gina, Brianna and Amazon Queen Jenysa must track down the little lost bishies before their magical abilities cause to much trouble. Fortunately, Gina has a fully armed and operational stud-finder!”
Gold Digger Platinum Vol. 5
Trade Paperback
Writing and art by Fred Perry
138 pages, full color, US $14.95
“Ayane Anno wakes up to find she’s not in Atlanta any more, but a captive of Lowtor, prince of the candy-crazed wee folk known as the Uompha-Luompans! On the Astral Rifts, Madrid the ex-Djinn has the mother of all sky-visions en route to Gina’s annual family picnic/BBQ. She enlists the help of her ex, Dao, only to encounter two future versions of herself! Elsewhere, Ibis, Queen of the Psi-Kobolds, plots revenge against Dreadwing for enslaving her and her people, with a little unexpected help. Dreadwing strikes back by invading an Enigma Temple, luring in some of his strongest enemies to their doom!”
Archaia Entertainment
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 2 #1
Written by David Petersen, Stan Sakai, Ben Caldwell and Nick Tapalansky, art by David Petersen, Stan Sakai, Ben Caldwell and Alex Eckman-Lawn
24 pages, full color, US $3.50, rated E
“The 2011 Eisner Award winner for best anthology is back with a new series of original tales! In the mouse tavern, the June Alley Inn, a new round of storytelling begins between the patrons. Their goal is to be declared the best story of the night in hopes of having their outstanding debt to the barmaid forgiven. Legends of the Guard continues the tradition of featuring handpicked artists and storytellers by series creator David Petersen. This issue features Stan Sakai (Usagi Youjimbo), Ben Caldwell (The Dare Detectives!), and the Awakening team of Nick Tapalansky and Alex Eckman-Lawn!”
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 1
Written by David Petersen and Alex Kain, art by David Petersen, Jeremy Bastian, Alex Sheikman and Ted Naifeh
144 pages, full color, US $19.95, rated E
“Back in print in time for the launch of the new series of Legends! This collects the first volume of Legends of the Guard, a new Mouse Guard anthology series featuring the work of artists and storytellers handpicked by series creator David Petersen. Bonus content includes an all-new epilogue illustrated by Joao Lemos (Avengers Fairy Tales), cover gallery, character lineup, floor plan of the June Alley Inn and creator bios.”
Archie Comics Publications
Mega Man #26
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Tracy Yardley and Patrick Spaz Spaziante
32 pages, full color, US $2.99
“When Worlds Collide, part 7 of 12. The historic Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man crossover event rolls on! The hunt for the Roboticized Masters continues as Sonic and Mega Man face down Shadow Man and – Shadow Man? Meanwhile, Drs. Eggman and Wily gloat over the captive Dr. Light. But what is the brilliant, bearded scientist preparing to do? Featuring stunning new cover art from Patrick Spaz Spaziante, and a special throwback variant cover you just can’t miss!”
Sonic the Hedgehog #249
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Tracy Yardley and Patrick Spaz Spaziante
32 pages, full color, US $2.99
“When Worlds Collide, part 6 of 12. The crossover mega-event reaches its half-way point! On the eve of Sonic the Hedgehog’s landmark 250th issue, Sonic, Tails, Mega Man and Proto Man are confronted by Drs. Eggman and Wily and the eight Roboticized Masters! Why do they look so familiar to Sonic? Do our heroes even stand a chance?! Featuring stunning new cover art from Patrick Spaz Spaziante, and a special 16-bit pixel art variant cover! Continues in this month’s Mega Man #26.”
Sonic Universe #52
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Tracy Wardley and Patrick Spaz Spaziante
32 pages, full color, US $2.99
“When Worlds Collide, part 5 of 12. The second act of the epic Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man crossover event begins here! Sonic, Mega Man, Tails and Proto Man enter the strange world of the Skull Egg Zone. They don’t receive a warm welcome, either, as the Genesis Unit and Copy Robot attack! Drs. Eggman and Wily wait in the wings with an even more sinister surprise waiting to be unleashed! You cannot miss this action-packed issue, featuring new cover art by Patrick Spaz Spaziante, and choose your favorite hero with the Team Sonic and Team Mega Man variant covers! Continues in this month’s Sonic the Hedgehog #249.”
Sonic Super Digest #3
Trade Paperback
Art by Lamar Wells
128 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Sonic Super Digest is back and celebrating 20 years of Sonic the Hedgehog comics! For the first time in Sonic comic history, Sonic the Hedgehog’s comic book adventures are now available in the popular digest format! Where Sonic Super Special Magazine leaves off, this quarterly digest collection picks up – with even more classic adventure from the Sonic comic library! This issue hosts a special spotlight on Sonic’s baddest baddies, and an exclusive look-back on the classic Sonic Triple Trouble game!”
Sonic Universe Volume 5: The Tales Adventure
Trade Paperback
Written by Ian Flynn, art by Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
112 pages, full color, US $11.99
“The most successful Sonic graphic novel series continues strong as Sonic’s famous sidekick, Miles Tails Prower, takes off in his own adventure! Tails and his friends Antoine and Bunnie take a well-earned vacation to the remote Cocoa Island. But not everything is what it seems! Hidden within their camouflaged fortress, the Battle Bird Armada makes their villainous debut! The angry avians lash out, and it’s up to Tails to save the day! Collects the entire Trouble in Paradise storyline from Sonic Universe #17-20.”
Big Dog Ink
The Legend of Oz: The Scarecrow #2
Written by Patrick Shand, art by Carlos Reno and Nei Ruffino
28 pages, full color, US $3.50
“The Scarecrow must not only face off against the evil Serulion, but also the Denslow townsfolk who have no reason to trust another scarecrow with their lives.”
The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West #8
Written by Eric M. Esquivel, art by Carlos Reno and Nei Ruffino
“Jack Pumpkinhead squares off against an old friend who was believed dead – and maybe he would have been better off if he stayed that way!”
The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West Volume 2
Trade Paperback
Written by Tom Hutchison, art by Alisson Borges
“Dorothy Gale and the Wicked Witch of the West have disappeared. Months have passed since their face to face meeting and no one in Oz knows the outcome. Now it is up to Gales friends, the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion to find out just what happened. Collects issues #1-5. It’s Oz as you have never seen it before!”
Boom! Studios
Adventure Time #16
Written by Ryan North, art by Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The first issue of a new arc and the perfect jumping-on point for new readers! It’s an all-new adventure for Finn, Jake and the gang from critically acclaimed writer Ryan North! The best all-ages series of 2012 continues!”
Adventure Time 2013 Annual #1
Written by Roger Langridge and Derek Fridolfs, art by Roger Langridge, Derek Fridolfs and Dustin Nguyen
32 pages, full color, US $4.99
“The fun will never end in this special expanded Adventure Time annual! Featuring some of the hottest talent in comics today putting their creative spin on the land of Ooo! A great tool for bring readers into the series and an awesome book for die-hard Adventure Time fans! Featuring stories from Roger Langridge, Derek Fridolfs, Dustin Nguyen and others!”
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake #5 (of 6)
Art and writing by Natasha Allegri
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The critically acclaimed Adventure Time spin-off continues! Fionna and Cake are racing against the clock to save the feral flame boy’s family … can they do it in time? Written and drawn by Natasha Allegri, the creator of Fionna and Cake, this series is being called the best of 2013.”
Garfield #13
Written by Mark Evanier, art by Andy Hirsch and Mike DeCarlo
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“April showers bring May flowers … and pizza, and burgers and of course lasagna! With two all-new awesome stories this month, this is one issue you won’t wanna miss!”
Planet of the Apes: Cataclysm #9
Written by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Harman, art by Damian Couceiro
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“What danger lurks in the Forbidden Zone? Still recovering from the terrible cataclysm that rocked the planet, Doctor Zaius tries to maintain the fragile coalition of apes, chimps and orangutans, in an effort to ensure that the rebuilding of Ape City continues apace.”
Regular Show #2
Written by K.C. Green, art by Allison Strejlau
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The hottest new all-ages comic on the stands! Join Rigby the Raccoon and Mordecai the Bluejay on a regular day that’s anything but! Written by acclaimed cartoonist KC Green (Gunshow) and featuring the hottest indie talent in comics on the covers! Don’t miss out on this new all-ages sensation!”
crossie’s note: Shouldn’t it be titled Regular Comic? Maybe?
Adventure Time: Marceline and the Scream Queens
Trade Paperback
Art and writing by Mereditch Gran
164 pages, full color, US $19.99
“Thanks to a newfound interest in music, Princess Bubblegum joins Marceline’s paranormal rock band for a tour across the land of Ooo. But when they’re threatened by everything from scenesters to beasts born of self-doubt, can they stay together long enough to make it to the raddest gig ever? Written and drawn by acclaimed cartoonist Meredith Gran (Octopus Pie) and featuring back-up stories from some of the hottest independent talent in comics today, including Jen Wang (Koko Be Good), Faith Erin Hicks (Friends with Boys) and many more!”
Planet of the Apes: Cataclysm Vol. 1
Trade Paperback
Written by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman, art by Damian Couceiro
128 pages, full color, US $14.99
“The end is just beginning! Eight years before astronaut George Taylor fell from the stars … the stars fell on the Planet of the Apes! Once the destroyer of human civilization, the Alpha-Omega bomb of yore has slept silent in the dark side of the moon. One mad monk seeks to wake the beast … and all of ape society is at risk. It’s a race against time as Doctor Zaius struggles to find an end to the madness that has engulfed all that he knows!”
Coffee Table Comics
Remind Volume 1
Art and writing by Jason Brubaker
152 pages, full color, US $24.95
“All Sonja wanted was to find her missing cat, Victuals, but when he washes up on the shore of her sleepy coastal town several days later with a head full of stitches and the startling ability to speak her quiet life is forever changes. Together they set out to solve the mystery of his disappearance, embarking on a journey that leads to a strange kingdom under the waves and into the heart of a royal power struggle!”
Remind Volume 2
Art and writing by Jason Brubaker
176 pages, full color, US $24.95
“The search for the truth about his mysterious transformation has led Victuals back home, where he finds his old body inhabited by King Erzatz of the Lizard men. But an even greater and more ancient danger lurks still deeper beneath them, one whose rise could spell the doom of their underwater world. Foreword by Skottie Young.”
Dark Horse
Abe Sapien #2: Dark and Terrible
Written by Mike Mignola and Scott Allie, Art by Dave Stewart and Max Fiumara
32 pages, full color, US $3.50, on sale May 1
“Abe Sapien battles his way through terrible Ogdru Hem and human monsters as the world comes crashing down around him, on his quest to reveal his own role in the end of the world.”
Animal Man #20
Written by Jeff Lemire, art by John Paul Leon, Steve Pugh and Jae Lee
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated T+, on sale May 1
“The battle against the Rot has left Buddy’s family in ruins, and now they must withstand another force trying to subvert him: his own celebrity!”
The Savage Hawkman #20
Written by Tom DeFalco, art by Joe Bennett and Marc Deering
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated T, on sale May 22
“Hawkman vs. Blockbuster round two! Hawkman transforms his Nth metal armor into a new berserker mode! Plus, don’t miss an appearance by the new JLA!”
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #33
Written by Sholly Fisch, art by Robert Pope and Scott McRae
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated E, on sale May 1
“Heavy metal rock band Smooch is scared silly when the ghost of Johnny B. Badd shows up and puts on a show-stopping performance! Can Mystery Inc. crack the case and bring back the music?”
Threshold #5
Written by Keith Giffen and Scott Kolins, art by Tom Raney and Howard Porter
40 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated T, on sale May 8
“Beware the Hunted’s power as Jediah regains something very important to the team’s survival! And in the backup story, Larfleeze is still greedily pursuing his stuff through the depths of space!”
Drawn and Quarterly
My Dirty Dumb Eyes
Trade Paperback
Art and writing by Lisa Hanawalt
120 pages, full color, US $19.95, mature themes
“My Dirty Dumb Eyes is the highly anticipated debut collection from award-winning cartoonist Lisa Hanawalt. Her unique comics intermingle drawings, paintings, single-panel gag jokes, funny lists and anthropomorphized animals in the service of satirical, startlingly observant commentary on pop-culture, contemporary society and human idiosyncrasies. Whether she’s revealing the secret lives ofcelebrity chefs or explaining that what dogs really want are tennis ball brides, My Dirty Dumb Eyes will have readers rolling in the aisles, as Hanawalt’s insights into human (and animal) behavior startle and delight time and again.”
Dynamite Entertainment
Damsels: Mermaids #1 (of 5)
Written by Matt Sturges, art by Jean-Paul Deshong, Paul Renaud and Jay Anacieto
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, on sale May 29
“The Little Mermaid’s fairy tale had a happy ending … but not for her. Now she lives a secluded life away from her people, angry at the world, courting danger at every turn and daring death to find her. When a handsome prince is exiled on her lonely island, he offers her a chance to pay the world back, asking for her aid in his battle against the oppressive Hieromancers of Atlantis. But can she trust him? Or is he simply the next charming prince in line to betray her?”
Grimm #1
Written by David Greenwalt, Jim Kauf, Marc Gaffen and Kyle McVey, art by Jose Malaga and Alex Ross
32 pages, full color, US $3.99, on sale May 22
“Set in the world of the acclaimed NBC series, Grimm, Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Bureau learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the mythological creatures called Wesen. Beginning this issue, Kelly (Nick’s mom) begins her quest to destroy the Coins of Zakynthos.”
Fantagraphics Books
Art and writing by Jim Woodring
120 pages, black and white, US $19.99
“As a follow-up to 2011’s acclaimed Congress of the Animals, Jim Woodring’s new graphic novel, Fran, answers, in strange and unpredictable way, many questions left dangling at the end of that book. Fans of Frank, connoisseurs of bizarre romance and spelunkers in the radiant depths of graphic metaphysical psychodrama will want to add this singular cartoon adventure story to their lifetime reading list.”
Lost Cat
Art and writing by Jason
160 pages, partial color, US $24.99
“Fantagraphics is proud to present the latest book by award-winning Norwegian comics master Jason. As a full-length graphic novel, Lost Cat is both a playful take on the classic detective story, and a story about how difficult it is to find a sister spirit, someone you feel a real connection to - and what do you do if you lose that person?”
Walt Disney’s Donald Duck: The Old Castle’s Secret
Art and writing by Carl Barks
240 pages, full color, US $28.99
“This volume collects the entirety of Carl Barks’ astounding 1948 output, including two long form stories plus 10 of Barks’ dynamic Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories 10-pagers. Once again all the stories have been shot from crisp originals, then recolored to match the colorful yet soft hues of the originals. The book is rounded off with essays about Barks, the Ducks and these specific stories by Barks experts from all over the world.”
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Little Prince
Written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Joann Star, art by Joann Sfar
112 pages, full color, US $12.99
“For seventy years Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince, a whimsical story with a fairy tale touch, has captured the hearts and minds of its readers. Joann Sfar has endeavored to recreate this beloved story, both honoring the original and stretching it to new heights. All the Little Prince cares about is being useful to the flower he’s left behind on his very small planet, with only a few thorns to protect her from the world. Sfar’s comic-book illustrations of the wide-eyed prince and the disheveled pilot he encounters in the African desert are edgier than the original watercolors, and his style and humor work modern magic.”
Humanoids Inc.
The Eyes of the Cat: The Yellow Edition
Written by Alejandro Jodorowsky, art by Moebius
56 pages, black and white, US $34.95, mature themes
“The very first graphic storytelling collaboration between two masters of the medium, Alexandro Jodorowsky and Moebius. In a desolate dreamscape world, a man, a bird and a cat interact in a uniquely apocalyptic yet poetic fashion. This new edition is presented in the standard hardcover graphic novel format but with a new cover and featuring the yellow paper stock as seen in the sold-out deluxe super-oversized version as well as in the original 1978 publication of the title. Behold The Eyes of the Cat, the Yellow Edition.”
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #7
Written by Katie Cook, art by Amy Mebberson and Stephanie Buscema
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“The new Nightmare Moon has revealed herself … and captured our stunned Ponies! With time running short for Equestria before a full-scale invasion, the only hope lies with … Spike?! And what role will Princess Luna play?”
My Little Pony: Mane 6 Micro-Series #4 (of 6): Fluttershy
Written by Barbara Kesel, art by Tony Fleecs and Amy Mebberson
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Fluttershy knows her way around knitting! But her hidden talent starts to take on a startling new form, one that could be the next big thing in Ponyville! Will timid Fluttershy be able to handle the spotlight? The pressure is only going to increase with a visit from Princess Celestia!”
crossie’s note: I still say it sounds like pony Carrie to me.
Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles #22
Written by Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman, art by Mateus Santolouco and Kevin Eastman
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“City Fall part 1 of seven: A normal night on the town for Raphael and Casey turns deadly when the Foot Clan appears in full force. The resulting chaos is only the first step in Shredder’s master plan! A turtle, and a city … will fall! The stakes have never been higher, and lives are on the line. Don’t miss the start of the biggest story arc to hit the TMNT yet!”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics #10
Writing and art by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
38 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Revisit the TMNT Mirage classic, now in glorious all-new full color and continuing a gripping story begun in TMNT Color Classics Micro Series: Leonardo! As everyone is reacting to Leonardo’s battered body being thrown through April’s apartment window, a cadre of Foot Soldiers crash through in hot pursuit of the fallen Turtle.”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain Microseries #2 (of 4): Baxter Stockman
Written by Erik Burnham, art by Andy Kuhn and Tyler Walpole
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Baxter Stockman is busy working for Krang on the Technodrome … or so it appears. Little does Krang know that Baxter has secretly been working on his own project that is both mutant AND machine! But when creation turns on creator, Baxter’s trademark smugness might be in short supply! Will Baxter come up with a plan B in time to save himself … and the world?”
Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #1
Written by Mairghread Scott and Mike Johnson, art by Agustin Padilla and Ken Christiansen
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Beast Hunters! They were there when Cybertron fell – but what happened to the DinoBots for the past few thousand years? Here’s a hint – Grimlock and company haven’t been sitting around and relaxing! The time is now – the place is Cybertron – and the recipe is action!”
My Little Pony, Vol. 1: Friendship is Magic
Trade Paperback
Written by Katie Cook, art by Andy Price
104 pages, full color, US $17.99
“Welcome to Ponyville, home of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and all of your other favorite ponies! Something’s not right in the town though, as some of the inhabitants are acting very, very strange! It’s up to our heroes to find the source of the weirdness before it’s too late!”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics, Vol. 5
Trade Paperback
Written by Rich Hedden and Tom McWeeney, art by Rich Hedden, Tom McWeeney and Michael Dooney
132 pages, full color, US $19.99
“Volume 5 contains issues #34 and #38-40, which includes the Hedden and McWeeney turtles stories Toitle Anxiety and the three-parter Spaced Out. All in beautiful new color!”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol. 5: Krang War
Trade Paperback
Written by Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman, art by Ben Bates and Nick Pitarra
104 pages, full color, US $17.99
“He is a warlord, a genius and a squishy pink brain. He is General Krang. One of the strangest villains in TMNT history, Krang has an arsenal unlike any other, and his master plan hurls the TMNT into the middle of an intergalactic war!”
Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots
Trade Paperback
Written by Mike Johnson and Mairghread Scoot, art by Agustin Padilla and Ken Christiansen
104 pages, full color, US $17.99
“The Dinobots hold the line as Cybertron falls! With Optimus Prime and the Ark long gone, the rest of the population makes their escape from the dying world – but Shockwave remains behind, continuing his experiments!”
True Blood: Shake for Me
Written by Michael McMillian and Annie Nocenti, art by Michael Gaydos, Greg Scott and Jenny Frison
128 pages, full color, US $24.99
“An ancient and powerful wolf pack comes to Bon Temp to conduct its annual Great Hunt, a ritualistic culling of an entire town over the course of a weekend. Can Sookie and Alcide convince the werewolves and vampires together to save the town? Plus, a closer look at Alcide Herveaux and what makes this brooding werewolf tick.”
Image Comics
Elephantmen #48
Written by Richard Starkings, art by Axel Medellin and Boo Cook
40 pages, full color, US $3.99, rated M, on sale May 29
“Sleeping Partners, part seven. There’s a price on Gabbatha’s head and the Silencer means to collect.”
Mice Templar IV: Legend #2
Written by Brian J. L. Glass and Michael Avon Oeming, art by Victory Santos
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated T, on sale May 1
“Desperate Season. Karic and his cause have been betrayed, and the fragile alliance he forged crumbles before him. Faced with ever-increasing loss, the courageous mouse makes a daring decision! Meanwhile, his surviving family and friends in hiding at the capital city face an even greater betrayal by one of their own; and Karic’s mother Mornae comes face-to-face with the wrath of the mad king Icarus!”
Super Dinosaur #21
Written by Robert Kirkman, art by Jason Howard and Cliff Rathburn
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, rated E, on sale May 29
“The search for the cure for Derek’s mother takes him and Super Dinosaur to some interesting … and dangerous places. Will they find it in time?”
Hack/Slash, Vol. 5 Omnibus
Trade Paperback
Written by Tim Seeley, art by Dan Leister, Elena Casagrande and Stefano Caselli
300 pages, full color, US $34.99, rated T+, on sale May 22
“The last volume in the Hack/Slash horror saga collects the epic Finale and the acclaimed bloodsoaked tales that lead up to it! When Cassie discovers a potential cure for slashers, she accidentally kickstarts a chain of events that will lead to the ultimate betrayal at the hands of a man she thought she could trust! Giant monsters, Vlad’s man-eating family, the secret life of Cat Curio and the finale showdown fans have waited years to see!”
Elephantmen, Vol. 1 Revised and Expanded
Written by Richard Starkings, Joe Casey and Joe Kelly, art by Ladronn, Moritat, Henry Fynt, Tom Scioli, Dave Hinke, Chris Bachalo and Boo Cook
312 pages, full color, US $39.99, rated M, on sale May 1
“The sold out first hardcover volume of Elephantmen is back in print and now includes the sold out zero issue with art by Ladronn, as well as a sketchbook section, the English & Media Studies back matter from the single issues and an introduction by Jonathan Ross!”
Patricia Briggs’ Alpha & Omega: Cry Wolf Volume 2
Written by Patricia Briggs and David Lawrence, art by Jordan Gunderson
128 pages, full color, US $24.95
“A world of shapeshifting wolves comes vividly to life in this collection of four comics based on Cry Wolf, the first book in Patricia Briggs’s #1 New York Times-bestselling Alpha and Omega series. Charles Cornick is an Alpha, an enforcer. Anna Latham is an Omega, a peacekeeper. And the bond between them will transform their passion – and save their pack. Collecting the final four issues of the comic book adaptation of Patricia Briggs’ novel.”
Lerner Publishing Group
The Little Prince Volume 7: The Planet of the Overhearers
Trade Paperback
Written by Guillaume Dorison, art by Elyeum Studio
56 pages, full color, US $7.95
“Continuing on their journey farther and farther away from home, the Little Prince and Fox land on a peculiar planet where flying machines spread terror through the towns. The AMicopes are very talkative people, but those disquieting machines, controlled by the overseer Sahara, stop them from speaking out by taping their mouths shut! How did the young man become a tyrant? And is a revolution really the best solution?”
The Little Prince Volume 8: The Planet of the Tortoise Driver
Trade Paperback
Written by Guillaume Dorison, art by Elyeum Studio
56 pages, full color, US $7.95
“On this broiling-hot desert planet, only carapodes – wondrous giant tortoises – can safely move around and deliver mail and resources to the lonely cities perched far apart on rocky ledges. And only one person, Arobase, can guide the carapodes. When he decides to leave them to fend for themselves, the whole world starts falling apart.”
Guardians of the Galaxy #3
Written by Brian Michael Bendis, art Steve McNiven
32 pages, US $3.99, rated T+
“The biggest new book of the year continues! As the Guardians first story wraps up, the mysteries leading to the next great Marvel event become clearer.”
Hawkeye #11
Written by Matt Fraction, art by David Aja
32 pages, US $2.99, rated T+
“The breakout character of 2012 … becomes the breakout character of 2013 … as Pizza Dog gets his own issue. Literally … the entire issue … it’s all from the dog’s point-of-view. Pizza Dog gets hired to solve a crime – the grizzly murder that shocked Team Hawkguy – and the only thing more shocking than that … is what happens at the end of this. Seriously. This is not a joke! Even the coloring. Dog issue. We’re all gettin’ fired. Please read … Pizza is My Business … before it’s too late for us.”
Nova #4
Written by Jeph Loeb, art by Ed McGuinness
32 pages, US $3.99, rated T+
“The comic everyone is talking about continues! The mysteries surrounding the disappearance of Sam’s dad deepen and the helmet leads Nova into intergalactic conflict that will affect the entire Marvel Universe!”
United Plankton Pictures
SpongeBob Comics #20
Written by Gregg Schigiel, art by Graham Annable and Gregg Schigiel
“SpongeBob and Patrick are lost in the Kelp Forest, and it’s up to Mr. Krabs and Squidward to find them! But what wild fate has befallen Bikini Bottom’s best buddies? Find out in SpongeMonkey! In Friend Fair, Patrick and SpongeBob enter a contest to test just how much (or little) each knows about the other. Plus a lobster fact page by Maris Wicks (Bravest Warriors), SpongeFunnies by James Kochalka (American Elf) and a stunning pinup by pulp-master Gary Gianni (featuring a certain JungleBob Loincloth!). All this and a painted back cover by Becky Dreistadt (Adventure Time).”
Fables #129
Written by Bill Willingham, art by Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha and Joao Ruas
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, mature readers, on sale May 15
“Snow White’s life has been shattered in more ways than one. With no one else to turn to, to save her from the ruthless Prince Brandish, who claims to be her only legitimated husband, she has no other choice but to take up arms in her own defense. She received fencing lessons from Prince Charming long ago. Will she remember them well enough now?”
Fairest #15
Written by Sean E. Williams, art by Stephen Sadowski, Phil Jimenez and Adam Hughes
32 pages, full color, US $2.99, mature readers, on sale May 1
“Part 1 of a brand new arc! The Return of the Maharaja takes us to the exotic Fable world of the Indo (from which our own world’s India is but a shadow). We kick off the high-adventure with one of the fairest and most badass women to grace these pages yet. Meet Nalayani from story and song. It starts when her humble village comes under attack, which sends her on a quest that will transform all of Fables forever.”
Yen Press
Soul Eater Volume 14
Trade Paperback
Art and writing by Atsushi Ohkubo
208 pages, black and white, US $11.99, mature themes
“Young meisters battle to strengthen their weapons and eradicate the evil souls that threaten our world in this comedic action series.”
Zenescope Entertainment Inc.
Grimm Fairy Tales #85
Written by Pat Shand
48 pages, full color, US $5.99
“The Being stands watch as vampires, werewolves, zombies and demons terrorize Earth. Sela, Belinda and the hunters are reeling in the face of a seemingly unstoppable foe. And as they join together for a last stand against the most powerful evil they’ve ever faced, the horrifying truth of Belinda’s resurrection comes to light. One of our heroes has already died, and all bets are off as Sela and crew head toward Antarctica to face an army of vampires led by Samira, the Being’s right hand general!”
Werewolves: The Hunger #1
Written by Mark L. Miller
32 pages, full color, US $3.99
“Werewolves have been unleashed on the Grimm Universe and one man has made it his life’s work to hunt those infected with the hunger that never dies. Roman, a ruthless monster hunter, is on the trail of a vicious werewolf when he finds himself embroiled in a conspiracy that goes way deeper than any hunt he’s ever been on. Horror and action collide in this new Unleashed tie-in miniseries from Zenescope Entertainment.”

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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