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That Crazy Dog Hits the Surf

Edited by GreenReaper as of 03:03
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Snoopy the dog is one of the most iconic anthropomorphic characters ever, but his notoriety seems to have been fading after the death of his creator. That’s something that the folks at AMP! Comics for Kids seem to be taking on directly: “Charles Schulz’s Peanuts is one of the most timeless and beloved comic strips ever. Now AMP! helps carry on that legacy with new collections of Peanuts classics focused around topics sure to resonate with middle-grade readers. Kicking off the series is Snoopy: Cowabunga! Together these books will introduce a new generation of kids to the lovable cast in time for the new animated Peanuts movie, which hits theaters fall 2014!” Oh really now? First we’ve heard of it too. Anyway, check out this first new collection at Mile High Comics. This full-color trade paperback collection comes out later this month.

image c. 2013 AMP!


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