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Interview with furries after the MTV show

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After reading this article I decided to contact the webmaster and made a topic on his forum. It ended up with me, together with a fellow fur, to be asked for an interview (neat).

The webmaster did quite some research after that and did a follow up on the article. It has become rather large, but I hope, rather interesting.
Remember it's an interview. You might think of things very differently, but I think he made that clear enough it's not the final word on the subject of furryness ;)

I suggest you read it.

Some comments after the article (and some minor errors I cleared up. Like the YiFF term ;)
discussion topic

Oh, and if you don't agree with it, don't eat me. I taste bad ;)




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Thanks for trying to say something good about us, Jicin. Especially as compared to 'Lord Ryven', who came off like a total fool.

I wonder how much actual good it's going to do though. From what I saw on the comments page (and other MTV fallout I've read on other sites), most folks are going with the furry=freak attitude.

BTW, something I heard from someone who knows Yote was that apparently he and his mom were set up in that episode, as were the other furs who showed up. Producer Rick Castro signed in on one of the forums as a furry fan, and sold them on doing a documentary that would be 'by furs, for furs'. The folks who showed were shocked when they saw just how they'd been made fools of, and several of them (like Jurassic) are leaving the fandom. So much for Rick Castro's journalistic integrity.

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If the bastard set me up like that I'd make sure he'd end up in the hospital by months end, at the very least. But then I'm just like that.

There have to be legal ways to effectivly get revenge for that, destroy his credibility or some such.

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Thanks. I hope many non-furs who saw the MTV show will read this. Though i did thought Riven made some good points to.

I would like to chat with Yote. Not to bash him, but just to talk with him. What he said on that show was his opinion. It was the mtv show that twisted everything.

If the guy who interviewed me would interview furs on a con, i'd say you can talk with him. He is very open minded.

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This letter:

Would seem to back up some of what you mention. Though of course like anything anonymous you should probably take it with a grain of salt. Email is easy to forge.

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BTW, something I heard from someone who knows Yote was that apparently he and his mom were set up in that episode, as were the other furs who showed up.One of the things I've noticed nobody seems to talk about about much is---as Camstone pointed out on ALF---that Yote himself said parts of the documentary were staged. From what I've heard, Rick Castro paid Yote's airfare, and then basically guilt-tripped Yote into doing things by saying Yote "owed him".It just goes to show what sort of despicable lows Castro was willing to go through to get footage for his schlockumentary.

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Anonymous wrote:Though of course like anything anonymous you should probably take it with a grain of salt.

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While I won't give up his identity, I do know who the anonymous person in question is, and I feel very confident about his integrity.

It's sort of amusing that you're criticising an anonymous source while being anonymous yourself. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and such. ;)

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The page on Pressed Fur is most likely legit. My mate is on the same "costuming" mailing list (it was STARTED by fursuiters!) and has told me about Yote's admission. Ah, poor Yote - life's gonna be rough for him after this.


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