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Cartoon Network 'Awards' Set for Oscar Eve

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It's called the "13th Annual Cartoon Network Fancy Anvils Award Show Program Special." Never mind that it's actually the first such show, and that Cartoon Network isn't even 13 years old.

On March 23, the night before the Oscars, the network will present its own version of an awards show, with Cartoon Network stars like Johnny Bravo (the evening's host) mingling with the likes of Robin Williams, Debbie Allen and Sandy Duncan, the New York Post reports.

Viewers will be able to vote online for their favorites in several categories, including "Best Vehicle" and "Best Gratuitous Hiney Shot." Williams will present the award for "Best Cartoon," and Allen -- the choreographer for several Academy Awards broadcasts -- will present a retrospective on "Dance in Cartoons."

Scooby Doo will receive a lifetime achievement award, to be presented by Duncan, once his co-star. A number of other real-life stars who appeared in cartoon form in "The New Scooby-Doo Movies" of the 1970s will be on hand as well, including Tim Conway, Phyllis Diller and Jonathan Winters.

The "13th Annual Cartoon Network Fancy Anvils Award Show Program Special" will air at 7 p.m. ET Saturday, March 23 on Cartoon Network.


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