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Who is your favorite Disney fox?

Edited as of Sat 12 Mar 2016 - 00:48
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Your poll seems to have left out two foxes...

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Maid Marion and Vixy; Foxy Loxy is the only female on the poll, otherwise, so I don't think mwalimu will get to upset if I fix that right quick ...

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Of course, there's also Tod's mother, seen briefly in the opening scene of The Fox and the Hound and Nick's mom's torso as seen in flashback in Zootopia. (Also, Gideon Grey of Zootopia, who I guess I'll add to the poll.)

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There are still others, depending on how deep you want to dig. I chose to limit it to foxes who are at least somewhat significant characters in a feature film.

Among those not listed, besides the two Crossie mentions, are the 1943 incarnation of Foxy Loxy (a male modeled closely after Br'er Fox and who only appears in an animated short), the unnamed fox in the animated sequence of Mary Poppins, Bhati (a childhood playmate of Simba and Nala during development of The Lion King, who was ultimately cut from the film), and several fox characters who made appearances in various Disney Afternoon and Disney Channel television series.

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If we're talking about cut characters, I think Nick Wilde's dad would have been an interesting character. Of course, he doesn't appear in the final film.

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There are also the three arctic fox masseuses I've managed to miss in the background of the "naturalist club" scene, plus, if we're counting Zootopia concept art, there was a mechanic vixen at one point (I'm guessing she worked for Nick when he was an amusement park owner, or perhaps she came from an even earlier point when Nick was a spy).

Also, didn't a pair of foxes appear during the Donald Duck/"Pomp and Circumstance"/Noah's Ark bit from Fantasia 2000? I seem to remember a red fox pair briefly appearing. Also, given that it was a Noah's Ark bit, we can assume there were representatives of all 21 species of fox at some point off screen (with the caveat that Linnean biological classifications may not strictly apply to a Judeo-Christian religious story), meaning 42 foxes were wondering about somewhere (an appropriate number, since, obviously, foxes are the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything, after all).

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No problem. I had left the poll unpublished while debating whether to add Marian and Vixey. I had just about decided to add them when I had to head out for a few hours, and during that time one of the other editors published the poll.

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The sad thing is, they are a pretty weak set of female characters; Marian and Vixey are love interests first, and, actually, that's it (and, let's face it, each could be accused of insipidity), while the less said about Foxy Loxy's character arc, the better.

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"Does it really matter? They're all foxes!" -Speciest Zootopian

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"Does it really matter? They're all foxes!" -Speciest Zootopian

Not only that, all but one of them are red foxes (and the lone exception was a late addition to the poll).

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Robin Hood is bae forever.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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And honestly, how can someone look at this and realize Disney isn't going out of their way to try something new. I'm still waiting for an animated Pine Marten.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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Woah, while I had hoped Robin and Nick would be close, there are overall more votes for characters other than Nick which surprises me.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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I predicted it would be between Robin and Nick who was the favorite, and that Tod and Marian would also get votes. It's interesting to observe which of the others anyone votes for (two so far at this writing).

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I'm sure if we ask this in a year Robin Hood will take top honors again.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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Maybe. "Robin Hood" came out in 1973 and has been cited by many early furry fans as a major influence in their becoming furry fans. "Zootopia" has just come out. It's much too early to tell whether it will have any lasting influence on us or on the general public. There may be many kids for whom "Robin Hood" is only a DVD of an old Disney movie, along with all the other old Disney DVDs; but "Zootopia" is a Theatrical Experience. (Although how much of one it may be with all the other theatrical animated features these days from DreamWorks, Illumination, Blue Sky, Reel FX, etc., remains to be analyzed.)

Fred Patten

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It's like asking people who just Disneyland if they like Disneyland or Universal more. It's gonna be biased.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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"You, sir, are no Robin Hood fox."

Seriously, though, the guys at Cracked are all crypto-furries; they spent one video (I can't find) explaining why cartoon females like Jessica Rabbit are drawn that way, then picked Nala as the hottest cartoon female of all time, which ... actually contradicted the entire video.

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I just watched that video last night lol.

Crypto-furries? Interesting term. x3

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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Nicholas Wilde's father: Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Picture

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As much as I love Zootopia and Nick Wilde, Robin Hood will always have my heart. (I am an older furry, so could be a generational thing)

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