Faux masculinity products seller posing as reporter confused by concept of "marketing" at furry
What started with a well intentioned creative spark by a furry to take a mass produced WalMart animal costume product and teach young ones how to express themselves in designs of their own creation turned into an unfortunate swarm of saltiness and virtue signaling by InfoWar fans.
The doors to this interaction was open when WalMart’s official twitter account responded to a furry expressing their desire to do a video on modding of their Maskimal products. Once the positive interaction of a corporation with the furs was made, the Joneses stepped in to voice their offense at the situation.
Background of Maskimal Modding
For those who are unaware, WalMart started selling cheap animal costume heads just after the successful run of Zootopia in theaters. I had covered this on my Youtube channel, all the way back in the summer of August 2017, as a good alternative for the youth to get their hands on an animal costume since custom fursuit designers in the fandom tend not to sell to children for a variety of reasons. One being the fact that sometimes kids steal their parent’s credit cards to pay for the suit, resulting in chargebacks that hurt fursuit creators. Mass produced costumes can help in accessibility, that young ones won’t have to covet thy mom’s wallet to obtain.
Unfortunately, though, there is elitism in some grains of the fandom where adult furries have bullied children for wearing these style of costumes. An infamous incident at Biggest Little Fur Con dealt with a child who was bullied by one individual and left the con early, but thankfully was later supported by the community and welcomed back to the convention while the person who harassed the attendee was relieved of their badge.
In response to a story like this, a furry named Lucky Coyote decided that they could plan on covering how to modify these cheaper masks to be a unique design utilizing the WalMart product as a base. By promoting this sort of modification, she planned on curtailing the stigma around mass produced goods like Maskimals by integrating it into the do it yourself nature of the fandom.
These Walmart heads are so cute and super affordable. I'm going to modify this one to kinda show some of my younger followers the potential these things really have ❤️ #furryfandom #fursuit pic.twitter.com/Ul9hx6PAE5— Lucky Coyote???? (@BlondeFoxy) October 18, 2018
In response the social media account of Walmart replied with encouragement.
Mentoring fursuiters for the next generation? Nicely done, Lucky.— Walmart (@Walmart) October 18, 2018
Misery wants Company
Unfortunately this drew attention from a very infamous male supplement provider known as InfoWars. An article by one of their salesmen, Joseph Watson, questioned WalMart’s judgement when complimenting the idea generated by Lucky Coyote. Their introduction very much showing their contempt for the concept of the furry fandom.
Furries, for the uninitiated, are an internet subculture fandom who anthropomorphize animals. Furries dress up, wearing full-sized ‘Fursuits’ to fit their ‘Fursonas’, and meet up at conventions.
Yes, this is a real thing.
Yes, people pursuing the happiness of themselves and others is something people do engage in from time to time and is in fact a real thing. It’s something people have wars for. Though it is clear a subset of people derive their pleasure from others misery and making them feel insecure about themselves, almost to a point where they employ themselves to a site selling that we’re in a perpetual state of war.
Yes, this is a real thing.
I suppose one can’t judge too much. But it can be depressing that the reason some people fight and die is only to fight more, making it a cyclonic seductrice. What do you do when the fighting is over? Oh, nothing we’ll just fight more, it’s never really over.
Mr. Watson had a sense of confusion as to why WalMart would even attempt to tip their hat to furries given how they have condemned them all as enemy degenerate combatants in their pretend war on the internet. It should be noted that Lucky Coyote has not been alleged of any such degeneracy in any regard. Trying to pin the wrongs some commit in the furry fandom on her and her alone, who was the only “furson” WalMart was talking to at that moment, would be like me indicating that children shouldn’t be reading our dear Watson’s article because the boss at his company lost primary custody of his kids because he was found to be a bit unhinged by Texas courts.
It’s in essence a non-sequitur. I’m sure Mr. Watson is fine around kids no matter the shortcomings of those who are a part of his group and we should solely judge him on his own merits as an individual, even though he refuses to do the same for furs.
Male-von Calling
Some furries were pleased having a large corporate interest tip their hat to us. Other furs saw through the ruse of a corporate twitter’s attempt to woo a new consumer base. They fired back their feelings of exploitative behavior they see Walmart commit to their worker base.
Stop trying to appeal to furries on social media as a way of seeming like a "cool self-aware" corporation. Let your workers unionize, pay them a living wage, and stop using unethical foreign suppliers.— Rhye the WEREWolfdog (@RhyeRhythm) October 18, 2018
In a sense of irony the supplement salesman also voiced concern that Walmart was marketing to the furries. However, while the furries' concern was our fandom forgiving corporate over-exploitation in exchange for kind words about us, the Jones Enterprises salesman and the subsequent twitter bombardment had another type of worry. Or, more likely ‘virtue signalling’ in this case. They noted that furries are deviants that have harassed Tony the Tiger off twitter, a claim debunked by a prior article I wrote last week. That by marketing to furries they are aligning themselves with sexual deviancy.
The fact of the matter is that WalMart doesn’t care in either case. It’s a corporation, not a human. What it’s twitter feed saw was that a fursuit designer was willing to take their Maskimal products and market it to children by promoting its ability to be modified. Of course WalMart wants to sell more Maskimals, not less. So it injected encouragement to promote a furry promoting its product. Just as Alex Jones is going to not turn his nose up at an opportunity to be some bro's version of an Avon representative on his shows that are just to entertain the audience with his perversions of reality to distract that he's just there to sell them tools to make them feel more manly about themselves. You say testosterone supplements, I say man make-up, let's call the whole thing off.
However, in this case WalMart has at least has the decency to not exploit the bodies of dead children to sell their products: something Jone’s Avon-like industry is in a lawsuit over. In addition he’s been kicked off most major social networking platforms for violating their terms of service. Which if those harassing Tony Tiger couldn’t get to happen to them, is quite a feat on crossing that line.
In the end, I look forward to seeing the modding video by Lucky Coyote, and am happy that furs continue to create with our time, instead of seeking out to destroy. And it looks like even the major retailers of this country are coming around to the fact that creativity is far more marketable than the Joneses.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
Example of a mod has been published here: https://twitter.com/BlondeFoxy/status/1055220866881994752
Could be extremely useful for furries who want a side fursona as well but don't want to expend too much cash for it.
The modding is wonderful!
Yeah, I'm not a fan of Walmart but I'm all for inexpensive fursuit making by kids and the promoting of making as well. Lucky Coyote is quite awesome and should really keep up the great work.
Also, Alex Jones needs to F***K off especially Joseph Watson who calls people "Soy Boys" claiming soy turns you female while selling supplements full of soy. Seriously Mr Watson, plant phytoestrogen are not human female sex hormones and please stop scaring vulnerable middle age men into buying snake oil.
(Please pardon my gray muzzle yelling at cloud)
The mod is cute and really adds personality. I also like that it's something that a child could do fairly easily and inexpensively. I look forward to see what else Lucky comes up with.
Update: Apparently Mr. Jones is into hard vore.
Not to kink shame, but I don't think someone of his body type should be advocating for human cannibalism.
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