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Digging up Positivity - August 2022

Edited by Sonious as of 09:12
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Welcome to this months Digging Up Positivity, as this video is premiering, I will be at Eurofurence! And because of that, our special guest is this years Guest of Honour: FoxAmoore! But first, all those amazing charities from in and around the fandom.


We are kicking off this wonderful, albeit a bit warm month with CanFURence, our Canadian friends have managed to raise 11,225 $CAD, that is roughly 8,771 $US, for the Ottawa Paw Pantry. This organisation is a food resource to prevent abandonment of animals when their families cannot afford to feed them. Especially now in these constrained times where many are forced to make difficult life choices, organisations such as these are ever so welcome now more than ever.


At the complete other end of the world, in Sydney we had Aurawra, where they raised 6,978.25 $AU (roughly 4,966 $US) for Twenty10, an organisation dedicated to help the LGBTQ youth in Australia, including but not limited to housing, mental health, counselling and social support!


Furcationland is a non-profit organisation run by furries to promote furry culture and artists! And they recently raised 500 $US for Short Folks For Hope. A group that empowers and celebrates cancer warriors by supporting them and their community.

Galileo Needs Surgery

If you are into Japanese culture, big chance you might have heart of Sherbert. Usually he can be found online, both on YouTube and twitch with his shenanigans. However one of his beloved cats, Gallileo is not doing that well. And he is running a GoFundMe his furry companion. He is only 2 years old, but needs life-saving surgery! At the moment of writing 2,779 $US have been raised. I am rooting for that little rascal, just look at that snoot!


In Florida we had Megaplex, and this year they again raised money for the CARE foundation, an exotic animal rescue and education facility. 70,000 $US was raised at this magical weekend.

During this convention there was a lovely panel held by Tio Drohan about furries all over the world! And I was there too... in spirit. I was part of the intro. That panel was a big success, thanks again Tio! Stay awesome.

Wild Prairie Fur Con

And back to Canada, we have Wild Prairie Fur Con, where 291 critters managed to raise 3,314.90 $CAD (that's 2,566.86 $US) for D’Arcys Arc, a local animal rescue center. Thank you very much.

Fursuiters against Cancer

This month there was a wonderful event at the racetrack in Assen, the Netherlands from ‘Against Cancer’ where children who are battling this terrible condition have a wonderful day, driving along in Supercars, bikes, rally cars and more! And I had the honour to be there together with some friends to entertain the little ones!

Pride and Kindness

In 2021 a wonderful project was started: Pride and Kindness, every year during pride month you can commission various artists and the proceeds will go to charities that support the LGBTQ community, the team behind this initiative are Ollie, Artemy, Sticker and Tanka. Last year they managed to raise 4,450 $US for Mermaids, Miłość Nie Wyklucza and the Trevor project.

This year was a year filled with challenges, but despite those, they managed to raise well over 2,000 $US for Mermaids, Miłość Nie Wyklucza and Insight. They will return next year, and once more we will find wonderful art on our timeline.

DogBomb Legacy Award

If you are doing charity in or around this fandom, there is a big chance you’ve heard of Dogbomb, and in his name, every year there is a Dogbomb Legacy Award. This year it is going to Marks Barks. Every year he is spreading awareness and raising money for the North Carolina ALS Foundation. This year alone he raised well over 45,000 $US. Thank you ever so much, you really deserve this award, stay awesome!

Baby meerkats born in Antwerp Zoo

In the Antwerp Zoo there was a big surprise! One of their meerkats, Hoppy turned out to be pregnant and gave birth to four beautiful little meerkats. They did expect her to be pregnant but weren’t sure until they saw the new little meerkits. They all seem very healthy, drinking plenty from mom and even have an occasional grub! Their gender is not known yet, but when this is established, the zoo will be looking for a name together with their visitors, and this year, all new animals will have a name starting with the letter X. Do you know a cool name? Share it with us in the comments.


At the time of the premiere of this video, Eurofurence is in full effect. I will be running back and forth as part of the charity team. You may run into me, my twin or Gideon, but I am also hosting the Dutch Angel Dragon meet together with Remix. However todays guest is the Eurofurence Guest of Honour, Fox Amoore!

[Guest Interview with FoxAmoore]
Thank you

And thank you very much for sticking with us till the very end! The next episode will be at September 24th, and our special guest will be a very positive Benji the Beagle!

And of course, I would like to thank the following sponsors of the channel. These people are extra awesome and helping me keep the channel up and running: Cosmik with a K, Els Deckers, Falconeo, Hanzana, Ishnula, Kitako, Manick, Tantroo McNally, Taross, and Score Chaser. Would you like to get a shoutout in this list? Please do consider my Patreon or Subscribestar. Every bit helps and I am ever so grateful for that or check out my merch store for Thabo stickers, T-shirts and amazing paw pillows!

Thank you all for dropping by, stay awesome, and all the hugs!


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