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Digging Up Positivity - September 2023

Edited by Sonious as of 11:33
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Welcome to Digging Up Positivity, where we cover positive news from the Furry Fandom and beyond! Where we cover charities from conventions and fundraisers all over the world, including some really special moments at Eurofurence, some lovely animation news and an exclusive interview with one of the more relaxing chillstreamers: Casey Explosion.

But first! All those wonderful charities, and with con-season going in full effect, there sureare a LOT of them!


With little warning the wildfires on the island of Maui, Hawaii, destroyed and devastated many houses and communities. The critters of Furality banded together for aid for these unfortunate souls. At the time of recording this video, they raised $6,362 [Thabo says Euros in video, but this amount is actually in dollars, oops].

Indy Furcon

At IndyFurCon, critters raised $20,800.90 for EARPS, a non-profit rescue working tirelessly to help exotic, and non-traditional pets through fostering, adopting, and educating!


The lovely folks at Furrydelphia, which was Ikea themed this time! (I wonder how many screws they needed to build this con!) raised a very lovely $11,896.41 for the Bella-Reed Pitt Bull Rescue Charity!

Tails and Tornadoes

And at Tails and Tornadoes, they have raised $10,000 for ARF Bartlesville, a rescue and adoption facility devoted to the more difficult to adopt dogs and cats, striving to give them all a loving forever home.


And we have my home-convention, Eurofurence 27! Our charity team announced during the closing ceremony we raised €23,510! That moment of us on stage, the standing ovation that went on for so long.

However, during the last run and recounts, a lot of additional funds came in, and we managed to raise a whooping €40,004.88! Which is $42,725.81 for UAnimals, helping the animals in Ukraine, a new record. And I am ever so proud of being part of that amazing team.

The Trevor Project

Radio Rabbit Hole has been raising funds for The Trevor Project this month! At the moment of recording this video, the total amount is $576!


957 attendees had a prehistorical good time at FursonaCon, the dinosaur themed convention had 2 charities this year: Second Chance Wildlife and the Maui Humane Society. The total raised was $14,000!


And the critters at MegaPlex in Florida, USA, were very busy raising money for the Street Dog Coalition. The Floor Wars alone already raised $10,715.77! And the grand total is $88,000 a seriously staggering amount gathered by 5,189 attendees.


In the UK, Davuu was raising money for the Make-A-Wish foundation in fursuit! They managed to raise $636.64 for this wonderful initiative!

FurEver West

And back in the US we had Wyoming’s First Furry Convention: Furever West, where 105 attendees raised $865.92 for the Laramie Animal Welfare Society

1 million dollars for charity

Every year, it is always a special occasion to see where we end up with the complete amount raised per year. But this year we are really going strong! This month, with several more to go, the charities and fundraisers covered in my videos passed the 1 million dollar mark! I am ever so happy about this, and I am so curious about the end of this year. To everybody who made this possible so far. Thank you ever so much.

20 years of Badgers

Yes, I am a greymuzzle. I love my memes, many of the vintage. And I remember many of them, from All You Base, the reaction animals and of course the meme factory known as Weebl’s Stuff. And well...this month they reminded me that Badger Badger meme is now 20 years old. Which means it has been living for that exact time rent free in my head.
(meme: Alright grandma, lets get you to bed).
*sighs loudly*

Wing It

Blender often releases little showcases for their animation software, and this month they released Wing-It, a lovely animation about a cat building a space ship, however a dog is about to ruin all the plans...or will he? This animation is a love-letter to the classic golden era of cartoons, that has the timing just right! Do check it out on the Blender Studio channel linked in the corner.

Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget

In 2000 we had a wonderful Aardman animation, inspired by The Great Escape: Chicken Run. And Netflix dropped the trailer for the sequel that will be available in December. It is Netflix, always a bit of a hit and miss, but the trailer itself looks promising, the same deadpan British humor I come to love of these chicks.

Innocence of the Sea

Julianna and Timothious Landers made a lovely animation called the Innocence of the Sea, where we follow a group of waterdragons, based on various marine mammals, protecting that of what they hold most dear. Some may see a bit of a
resemblance with a certain toothless dragon, however, that also has drawn from the same inspiration. Which only shows how lovely that design is, but despite that, they will redesign them for future projects will be a little bit different. But even with this, I find it wonderfully relaxing with that smooth music, and I recommend you to check it out!

Lo-Fi Foxes

To continue our relaxed journey. I often have lo-Fi girl on on my streams, and the success of that channel spawned many more. One of them being Lo-Fi for foxes! I just love the art and well, this kind of music is just my vibe to focus. Speaking of relaxing and winding down, our special guest, our featurette of this month: Casey Explosion.

Featurette: Casey Explosion


Thank You

Thank you very much for staying with us till the video end! I am so thankful for you sticking around, and of course for supporting me on Subscribestar, YouTube, or Patreon like these amazing critters: Cosmik with a K, Els Deckers, Falconeo, Hanzana, Ishnula, Manick, Tantroo McNally, Taross, and Score Chaser.

And of course, Global Furry Television for working together, pooling resources, and being generally awesome beans.

Of course, if you want to get some Thabo merch, check out the Artwork Tee store, or check out my weekly-ish streams on twitch.

Thank you all for your love and support. Remember! You are loved, and all the hugs.


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