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Popular Brazilian TV show to use fursuiters in prank

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Fauna Urbana reports on recent fursuiter involvement in Caldeirão do Huck, a Brazilian comedy TV show watched by millions. The episode is to air April 17. A fan video accompanying the coverage shows interviews in which fursuiters explain furry fandom from their perspective.

Unlike the Fantástico feature, only fursuiters are involved; some furs fear misrepresentation.

Update (Apr 19): The show has been postponed to next Saturday.

Brazilian furry news portal launches English version

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Portuguese-language news portal Fauna Urbana, source of Flayrah's story about Abando 2010, has begun offering an English feed.

Currently available is a fully-translated version of the original story, and a brief summary of the first edition of FurryBrasil podcast Focinho a Focinho (Snout to Snout), which includes an interview with Abando staff Aniki Geelong and Ekevoo Guepardo.

Site leaders hope to attract English-speaking readers, and also intend to translate certain Flayrah news items into Portuguese for their local audience. Articles on both sites are normally available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

Brazilian furry camping con grows 68% in third year

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Fauna Urbana reports [translation] on the third instance of Brazilian campout Abando, held last weekend near São Roque.

The event attracted 37 attendees — 15 more than last year, and close to the site limit of 40. Attendance cost 100 Reals (US$55), which covered the bus to and from São Paulo, four meals, workshop materials, prizes and gifts, including a t-shirt.