Review: 'Jane, Jill and Jasie', by Malcolm Cross
Posted by thommanson on Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 13:42These stories concern the sex and/or love lives of three female anthropomorphic thylacine clones. Only read if you’re of legal age and interested in a long review, et cetera.
The first story in this collection, “Dick and Jane", deals with the disillusionment and despair of Jane, who must learn to live with the fact that the love she putatively shares with a human man is something altogether more depressing.
“Jill’s Forty-Ninth" (which, for my money, felt to be treading the most well-worn formal path of erotic fiction), tracks Jill, one of Jane’s “sisters", who works a dull office job during the week, but gets dressed up at the weekend to invite sex and other pleasurable indulgences from wealthy men. The story concerns her attempt to negotiate an agreeable arrangement with one man in particular.
The final story, “Jasie’s New Start” is a more straight-forward and minimal affair about Jasie, who seeks out a childhood sweetheart in an attempt to escape from the reputation of her kind as superficial and oversexed, and kindle a new, more stable life. [Bad Dog Books, 2013, $2.99.]
Review: 'Dangerous Jade', by Malcolm "foozzzball" Cross
Posted by Isiah Jacobs on Mon 4 Jun 2012 - 20:16Isiah reviews Dangerous Jade, foozzzball's thylacine-filled sexual drama.
Review: 'Dangerous Jade', by Malcolm Cross
Posted by Fred on Sat 21 Jan 2012 - 22:29
Dangerous Jade is a work of anthropomorphic fiction for adult readers only. (publisher’s rating)
Actually, although there are some torrid romantic scenes and a lot of adult language here, it is all standard M/F sex between consenting adults; less X-rated than many mainstream novels or R-rated motion pictures.
This is also #4 in FurPlanet’s new Cupcakes line of works shorter than novel length. Dangerous Jade is “only” a novella, but it delivers a complete and satisfying story.
Illustrated by Meesh.?Dallas,?TX, FurPlanet Productions, January 2012, trade paperback $9.95 (vii + 81 pages).
Cryptozoological mysteries. The Queensland Tiger.
Posted by Anon on Wed 24 Jul 2002 - 07:19Article debating whether the Australian Thylacoleo, an extinct class of cat-like marsupials from the Pleistoscene era, is still alive in Queensland.
Direct URL:
Or, look for article 'Will The Real Thylacoleo Please Stand Up' in the Fortean Time's Web Page
Only a Temporary Extinction?
Posted by Sardonicus on Tue 28 May 2002 - 14:19Since late 1999, the Australian Museum has involved in a project unique in this world- the cloning of an extinct species, namely the Tasmanian Tiger. While no living representative of this species has been witnessed since the death of the last one in captivity in 1936, the museum possesses several preserved pups. While the ones that were preserved in formalin are unusable due to the effect of the preservative on the cell structure, there is a female pup that was preserved in ethanol. She is the linchpin of the cloning project, as this allowed intact DNA strands to persist. While the successful replication of individual Tasmanian Tiger genes, as detailed at,
does not mean there will be a living representive of the species any time soon, it does mark something singular. For the first time in human history, there is the indication that we may be able to bring back from the darkness of death and total extinction a unique species that was destroyed solely by our hands.