Dog decoder hit in Japan
Posted by MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) on Thu 3 Oct 2002 - 08:25
Technology helps up communicate, and now it's helping people understand their dogs better. Bowlingual uses a tiny microphone, attached to a dog collar, which transmits the sounds of the animal to a palm-sized console.
The sounds are sorted into six emotional categories: frustration, menace, joy, sorrow, demand and self-expression, and the console shows a phrase to fit the emotional state, such as "I am sad. I want to play" and "I am super angry. I am going to explode!". It's selling like hotcakes, but it's only avaiable in Japan. And don't worry about 'accents', Bowlingual is compatible with more than 50 dog breeds, from Chihuahuas to German Shepherds.

About the author
MelSkunk (Melissa Drake) — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Skunk from Toronto, ON, interested in writting, art, classic cars and animals
This reminds me of the baby translator from that one episode of The Simpsons.
"This leash demeans us both!" :}
Well, I guess in the absence of owners actually learning their dog's body language and vocalizations for themselves, this is a good thing...?
Neh. Of course it's a good thing. It's actually very clever. I'm just a fan of the strategy called "figuring it out yourself," theory says people used to do that, long ago... You get so much more out of it.... but it's too hard, imagine that, you'd have to LEARN.
Er - one slight note, Chihuahuas and German Shepards aren't different species, they're different breeds. All dogs are the same species. ^_^ Sorry, I'll stop being a stickler for terminology now and shut up. ;)
Species? Where does it say species? It says breeds! ;)
Okay, I changed that. I was following the article too closely and didn't notice that mistake, and then rewrote it in mine. My bad. I do know better...
Melissa "MelSkunk" Drake
Whine Bark Growl!
Signed Rover
Ruf, a wruf ruf, LeChuck! GRRRRR!
Hrm. I've got two dogs. Let's see what Dancer thinks:
Hrm. Let's move the bow-lingual to my other dog, Sparky.
Yep. It works.
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