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Califur 2004, Memorial Day Weekend, Irvine, CA

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FENEC Adventures is Proud To Annouce Califur ( , a new furry convention for the southern california area, we are going to be a small con this year, many months of hard work have lead up to this
announcement, and the hard work of many people, Califur is planned for Memorial day weekend (May 28-30th 2004) at the Atrium Hotel in Irvine Directly across from John Wayne Airport, our staff is as Follows:Robert K. Johnson Jr.

Dennis Carr and Kay Shapero
Convention Operations

Rod O'Reily
Director of Programming

Dawn Britt
Theatrical Programming

Ben Moore
Media Relations

Sheryl Mount and Glenn Wooten
Director(s) of Art Show and Dealers Room

Mark Merlino
Director of Facilities

Andrew Clark
Guest Services

David Korsgen and Rex Fenris
Directors of Web Development

You may Visit our Website and pay by Paypal or Mail in your yourCheck or Money Order to
P.O. Box 1958
Garden Grove, CA,

Our Membership Levels are as Follows
Supporting: $15
Attending: $35 (45 after may 1st)
Sponsor: $60 (access to VIP lounge)
Patron: $120 (Free T-Shirt and other Benefits)


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Glad to hear there will be a spot for SoCal furs to gather. The Atrium is a great spot, with many fond memories of better CFs. I wish the group luck, and plan to support the effort.

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