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2013 Ursa Major Awards nominations about to close

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 21 Jun 2014 - 22:30
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Ursa Major Awards Nominations for the 2013 Ursa Major Awards, for the best anthropomorphic movies, novels, comic strips, games, etc., will close on February 28. Voting for the winner will begin on March 15 and will close on April 30. The awards will be presented at CaliFur X on May 30 to June 1, at the Irvine Marriott Hotel, Irvine, California.

If you have not nominated yet, you have only a few more days to do so. All titles first published or released during the 2013 calendar year are eligible. The awards are given in eleven categories: Motion Picture, Dramatic Short Work or Series, Novel, Short Fiction, Other Literary Work, Graphic Novel, Comic Strip, Magazine, Published Illustration, Website, and Game. The final ballot includes the top five titles nominated in each category.

To nominate (by February 28), and to vote (March 15–April 30), go to The 2014 Recommended Anthropomorphics List will be posted after March 1.


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If you need a reminder as to why to nominate Flayrah (or not!), here's what we did last year.

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No Skyrims this year please. You got PLENTY of anthro games to choose from to fit 10 nominatons, no less 5. Even excluding that Turtles game that wasn't much good.

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Hoping FurStarter makes it to the voting stage.

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