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CACE 2004 April Update

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Well, there's now less then 2 months until the opening of CACE 2004, and we're working hard to put the finishing touches on what is looking to be our best year yet! Congratulations to the winner of our Early Bird Contest, our own home-grown Lisa "HollyAnn" Cotton! Lisa will be enjoying a gift certificate from Chapters!

And, on the similar topic of winnings, Allison Maurichan MacAllisters winning submission will be gracing the cover of our 2004 Convention Book! Allison has won the chance to attend the convention on us! Congratulations, Allison!

Just a note that our Dealers room is now sold out. You may still send an email to request to be put on a waiting list, and we will let you know if a space becomes available. Thank you for all the dealers who have registered so far! Email any questions to

Also, our Art Show is nearly sold to capacity! If you want a panel, please send an email to inquiring about the status of available space!

One again we are looking for artwork to grace the pages of our convention book. All submissions must be black and white line art, should be proportional to 8.5"x11", and keep in mind the con's AA14 rating. All art must be received by May 3, 2004. It can either be mailed to our mailing address at

CACE 2004
Attention: convention book submissions 269-1411A Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1Z 1A7

or e-mailed as an electronic attachment to All scans must be of acceptable quality for publication and be free of text notices. We thank you for your artwork in advance.

Lastly, keep your eye on our website at for more updates, including more information about our Masquerade, updates on the status of our hotel, and for planned scheduling of the events we will be hosting this year. There is still quite a bit to come, so keep yourself up to date.

That's all for now, so until next time,

Christopher Feli Pilgrim
CACE 2004


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About the author

Feli (Chris Pilgrim)read storiescontact (login required)

a hot sauce maker, former convention chair, techie, and a listener and rabbit from Montreal, QC, Canada, interested in hot sauce and convention consulting

Feli is a resident of Montreal, originating from Ottawa. He has been an active member of the fandom since the early 90's.
Currently, Feli is the purveyor of hot sauces through his company: Dark Bunny Sauces. Selling online ( and at several Canadian conventions. He was the chairperson for What The Fur, a convention that was held in Montreal from 2010 to 2017, and though now retired from conrunning, he will consult if asked.