Western PA Fall Fur-b-que & Fur Meet '04!
Hello Furs!
The Western Pennsylvania Fall Fur-b-que and Weekend FurMeet will be held Columbus Day weekend, October 9 & 10, 2004. The Fur-b-que will be held again this year at Fireman's Memorial Park, in Aspinwall, PA. (Just east of Pittsburgh) Hello Furs!
The Western Pennsylvania Fall Fur-b-que and Weekend FurMeet will be held Columbus Day weekend, October 9 & 10, 2004. The Fur-b-que will be held again this year at Fireman's Memorial Park, in Aspinwall, PA. (Just east of Pittsburgh)
Over 45 furs joined in the fun last spring and we invite everyone who helped make June’s event memorable along with any new furs to join us in the scenic hills of western Pennsylvania overlooking the Allegheny River valley for a weekend of furry fun and fellowship!
Bowling will be a weather dependant part of the event. If the weather is beautiful, there is plenty to do at the park; I’m not going to stop the party to move it to go bowling. If the weather is lousy, then we’ll clear out of the bad weather and find a few lanes to continue the fellowship at.
I do have crash space available at my den but it’s limited to the first 15 furs who RSVP and request crash space. I’m attempting to make additional arrangements with other furs who live 10-15 minutes away to expand our overnight lodging. Otherwise, comfortable hotels at reasonable prices are near-by.
Sunday’s activities are up in the air right now and weather dependant, but I’m looking for an outdoor activity that will incorporate some western Pennsylvania flare and interest to share a little of the region with everyone who’d like to join us.
More information will be available on my website at:
Or, you can e-mail me to RSVP or for additional information at:
events @ swiftsden.net.
Hope to see you there! :)
Swift Fox
Coordinating Furry Events
in Western PA since 2000!

About the author
SwiftFox — read stories — contact (login required)an architect and Cross Fox from Pittsburgh, PA
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