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BALTO III: Wings of Change

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Due for video release on February 1, 2005.

Voice Talents: Maurice Le Marche, Sean Astin, David Paymer, Kathy Najimy, Keith Carradine, Jean Smart

Synopsis: The mail in the north used to be delivered by dogsled, but the success of airplane delivery leaves Balto and the other sled dogs feeling neglected. However, when a delivery plane crashes on a mountain side, the sled dogs get the opportunity to show their worth. This story also prominently features Balto's son, Kodi, who was among the puppy litter that we met in Balto II: Wolf Quest.

[Picture of DVD art]
[Internet Movie Database information on this show]


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I LOVE BALTO DUDE !!!!!!!!!!

Your rating: None Average: 5 (1 vote)

Oh god.. will the Polar Bears be in this one???

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