Wyrmkeep Entertainment Newletter for 12/05

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The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Newsletter

Publication Date: December 2, 2005

Happy holidays from everyone at Wyrmkeep Entertainment!

Items of Interest:

1) Music from Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (Audio CD)
2) Fan Art Contest Winners
3) Upcoming Convention
4) Looking Ahead to 2006
The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Newsletter

Publication Date: December 2, 2005

Happy holidays from everyone at Wyrmkeep Entertainment!

Items of Interest:

1) Music from Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (Audio CD)
2) Fan Art Contest Winners
3) Upcoming Convention
4) Looking Ahead to 2006


Music from Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (Audio CD)

This Inherit the Earth soundtrack album includes all the music from the
game plus a new composition as a bonus track. The music was arranged by
the original composer, Matt Nathan. The perfect holiday gift for a
friend (or yourself).

Find out more by visiting the soundtrack page at


Fan Art Contest Winners

Here are the winners of our first Fan Art Contest.

Best Artwork Based on Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb
Anthony Rojas for "Manga Rif"

Best Artwork Based on The Labyrinth of Time
ShadowMan1od for "Sunrise"

Most Humorous
Richard Caballero for "Red Mountain Pass"

You can view the winning entries at


Upcoming Convention

Representatives from The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. will be selling
games and other merchandise at this upcoming convention:

Anime Los Angeles, Jan. 27-29, Van Nuys, CA (www.animelosangeles.org)

In addition to our own products we will be selling subscriptions and
plushies from GoPets, the online virtual pet community game.



Looking Ahead to 2006 – Products and Announcements

- Inherit the Earth for Pocket PC (early 2006)
- Free to Play Inherit the Earth Mini-games (early 2006)
- Issue #1 of the Inherit the Earth Comic Book (mid 2006)
- Announcement about the Sequel to Inherit the Earth (mid 2006)
- Announcement about the Sequel to The Labyrinth of Time (late 2006)

You can always get the latest news at


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