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Life on pulp, part 1...

Edited by GreenReaper as of Wed 28 Apr 2010 - 19:44
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Borrowing a bit of style from Slashdot...

Bahumat writes: "In my exploration of furry artworks, particularly serialized comics, both online and on paper, I find that there are a few comics out there who's writers and artists combine so well, that not only is the comic an enjoyable read, but the characters seem -real-, as opposed to merely archtype characters. Few titles and series seem to grab my attention and interest as well as these rare few that make me forget the characters on paper are merely that; characters. To me, in some cases, they seem like living, breathing extensions of a slightly surrealistic mirror of the world in which we live."

"The two titles that immediately spring to mind? Shanda the Panda, and Sabrina Online."

Anyone out there care to contribute their chosen titles, and experiences?



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"The best writers hold up a mirror to reality.
The mediocre writers quickly run their fingers
over her. The worst writers rape her and
leave her for dead."

I forget who wrote that, but it's very appropriate. The best artists (of any kind) show us ourselves in a new light.

I have high standards for the top-level of that list. Maus qualifies. Not too many other furry stories do.

Although I'm vastly entertained by Ozy and Millie, Kevin and Kell, and Newshounds, in my opinion, furry comics are still rediscovering their greatest strength:

They're the greatest medium for satire that has been found.
(This comment will continue later!)

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It's odd that you speak of great characters and development and stories, then you mention two VERY questionable favorites. Shanda and Sabrina?!

Honestly, it's no secret that both of these strips are simply their creators sexual fantasies and "turn on's" commited to digital "print." This is sort of like seeing people french kissing in the lobby at a convention. I'm not interested in seeing or hearing about it, they really need to keep it in the bedroom.

I'm sure there are strips out there that have great writer/artist/character development and whatnot, but the publication of someone's personal Penthouse letters doesn't really qualify.

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> Honestly, it's no secret that both of these strips are simply their creators sexual fantasies and "turn on's"

*grin* I'd love to see what Mike & Carol Curtis think about that, or Eric Schwartz, for that matter. Good call on responding anonymously...

> commited to digital "print."

Shanda the Panda is a pulp medium comic only, Sabrina Online is not.

> This is sort of like seeing people french kissing in the lobby at a convention. I'm not interested in seeing or hearing about it, they really need to keep it in the bedroom.

Just because you have a problem with other people kissing doesn't mean you should take it out on the comics, kiddo. :)

I don't see where you are coming from, honestly.

I've been a collector of Shanda the Panda for a while, and an avid follower of the story. The focus has never been sexual, it has been emotional; an exploration of the ties of the heart, and how they bend and fray under the stress of the tumult of everyday life. The lifestyles portrayed are unusual; but their methods of coping are ones that many readers can relate to.

Sabrina Online takes a more lighthearted approach in my view, staying away from most of the naughtier elements, and focusing instead on the absurd situations and compromises a person has to make in their life.

Frankly, in any story, I believe the reader makes of it what they want. If all you see is a focus on sex...


doing the things a particle can

"Virtuous and vicious, every man must be.
Few in the extreme, but all in the degree."

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I really, really miss Fusion. Now that was a comic book. I loved Indio and her rapscallion crew of furries and humans.

Hey, Lex, you listening? Any chance for an omnibus edition? Pretty please?

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Wow...people who remember what Fusion is are like people who know what a record-player is: rare and good! (And this makes the 9th reader we've located out of the 17 total...Cool!)

We're working on a collection. What would you think of a CDRom version, possibly colored or at least with colored intro's? Or is pulp and ink still the preferred format?


PS, thanks for making my day! Unexpected ego-boo is a fine thing!

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Yay! You are, really? Working on it, I mean? Fabulous!

Personally, I'd prefer a good bound graphic novel (maybe trade paperback size). The color/non-color thing I don't care about... the original black and white comics were just fine. If the choice was between colored and CD-ROM or not-colored and in paper, I'd choose the latter, lickety-split.

So when are we going to see this marvel? Is there a mailing list we can subscribe to?

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Fusion was simply top notch.

Personally, I would prefer a pulp and ink version -- that is, if I had to choose between a pulp and ink version of the same material as was on the CD-ROM. If the CD-ROM contained substantial supplementary material, then I might have a problem deciding, or have to get both, darn it. (This is not a request per se about supplementary material, just a comment on things that would make me more inclined to buy a CD-ROM over a pulp and ink version.)

(Hrm. When I tried to visualize what supplementary material would mean in this context, besides additional documents (such as character bios, artist bios, draft sketches), the thing that popped into my head is a Weasel Patrol screen saver. The pulp and ink version would be infinitely preferrable to weasels trying to save my screen. :-) )

However, if only one format or the other was available, I would probably purchase it regardless. My preference is just for the pulp and ink version.

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Personally, pulp and ink -- it looks better on bookstore and comic store shelves that way! Or on one's own shelves for that matter. Graphic novels on CD are a novel enough concept (sic) that distribution channels really aren't geared to push them out.

It's not that difficult to get Fusion, though, since you do still have all the issues, as far as I know. You might consider offering bound sets of Fusion comics if you aren't prepared to drop the thousands a graphic novel printing would cost.

If anything, a graphic novel release should precede an intention of resurrecting Fusion as a viable comic. Just a thought.

-- Lynx

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an office manager from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada