Music video: 'C'Mon', by Ke$ha
Posted by GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) on Fri 29 Mar 2013 - 18:24 — Edited by 2cross2affliction as of Fri 14 Jul 2023 - 15:06
Ke$ha promotes teenage delinquency, one-night-stands, petty theft and vandalism, accompanied by fuzzy animal mascots, in her latest music video, C'Mon. [allie is wired]

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
At least in Room 366 we were just dirty dancing in an apartment. I mean vandalizing a store? How low can you get?
This one top of Taylor Swift's "Never Ever getting back together" makes me think it's furries are becoming a pop thing--- certainly not my genre of preference.
Wait, what happened in Taylor's video?
They didn't even pretend to try to play the instruments in suit!
Ha! What?
Taylor Swift has the absolutely worst music videos of all time.
This was already in the January newsbytes with just as much supporting info.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Hmm. I'm afraid I missed it! It probably doesn't help that can't keep a link working for six weeks.
… or the supporting article from Jeez! Our stories from a decade ago still work - what is with these sites?
(Incidentally, did you spot the product placement in the video the first time around?)
I've noticed some news sites are useless with links. If you try following Wikipedia references, particularly to news stories, you will find a lot of empty pages. I have no idea what's wrong with them.
I think I read about the bike thing before I watched the video so it was quite obvious then. I dunno if I'd have cared about it if I hadn't watched. Though I might have found it odd.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Well, they could just be trying to direct people to their main page. I think that tactic is ultimately self-defeating. Google, in particular, values stable content; if everything ends up as a redirect to your main page, you'll never rank highly in the "long tail" of search results. That darn Puss'N Boots story still ranks eighth in monthly hits!
They may also have changed their path schema. A good site admin keeps old links working. Many don't have one.
It's been 15 years since this advice to have persistent URLs from the freaking W3C was written and people still can't keep URLs stable.
Although, for some people, keeping old URLs alive isn't easy.
Looking back, I guess we can see where Gregg and Mae's crimes from Night in the Woods came from. (Yes, I know, Pennsylvania.)
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