
Upcoming furry comics for September 2011 (Previews only)

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Like last month, this month's best item is a big reprint book from Fantagraphics, this time two years of Pogo. Buy it buy it buy it. The Mickey Mouse hardbacks are impressive too.

The diversity of sources continues. This includes some items from Kids Can Press, a Garfield thing from Papercutz, one from Toon Books, and a couple of Dragon Punchers from Top Shelf that I pass over as overjuvie.

Upcoming furry comics for August 2011 (Previews only)

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This month makes up for the last two: lots of interesting stuff, and, furry aside, a lot of new publishers showing up. I hope both trends hold up. There are still way too many zombies, though. Like Zombies vs. Cheerleaders #4, 'Easily the greatest 21 letter titled comic in history- that has zombies and cheerleaders!