Omaha the Cat Dancer

'Omaha the Cat Dancer' reviewed by The Onion's A.V. Club

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The Onion's A.V. Club has published a retrospective review of Omaha the Cat Dancer, recently re-released as a recompiled set. [Tmachine]

While Noel Murray notes the sex scenes on the NBM covers "border on the gratuitous", he praised the comic for rising above its steamy origins:

Omaha, on the other hand, became less about the sex and more about story over time—even after the book migrated to Eros. [During] the series’ heyday, Omaha sensitively explored devotion and jealousy and hypocrisy, via the ever-shifting relationships of the main characters. It was no masterpiece, but it was entertaining and more fun to read that about 95 percent of what was on the shelves at the time.

Upcoming furry comics for September 2011 (Previews only)

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Like last month, this month's best item is a big reprint book from Fantagraphics, this time two years of Pogo. Buy it buy it buy it. The Mickey Mouse hardbacks are impressive too.

The diversity of sources continues. This includes some items from Kids Can Press, a Garfield thing from Papercutz, one from Toon Books, and a couple of Dragon Punchers from Top Shelf that I pass over as overjuvie.

Upcoming furry comics for January 2011 (Previews only)

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I let a Thanksgiving vacation mess up my posting so badly that this is about a month too late to be useful for preordering. However, for historical purposes, here it is. At the very least, this is the month of the first Finder supercollection. Attention must be paid.

RIP Kate Worley

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It is with regret that I anounce that Kate Worley, half of the team that brought us Omaha The Cat Dancer, lost her battle with cancer on 06Jun. There was info previously postad about this here.

Kate Worley Battling Cancer

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From Doodles: "For those of you unfamiliar with who Kate Worley is, she's one half of the team that brought "Omaha The Cat Dancer" to life, an act which brought _me_ into this fandom. So you can imagine how much of a debt I owe her and Reed Waller.

This is all being cross-posted from the Cat-Dancing-with-OMAHA Yahoo Group with permission, and I'll let Reed and Kate say most of it. First, Reed posted this on 4/21/04:

The news is not good. After a short period of stability, just long enough for her to start getting some strength back and think about writing, Kate's cancer has flared up again. She is back in rad and chemo as of today, and more treatments. This despite the increased risks of repeated radiation to the spinal column, but there's really no choice."