A Website archive for mythology and folklore buffs.

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Need to delve a bit into werewolves and the Germanic Underworld? Black Dogs? The mythological significance of bridges? Does the power of lonely places hold some meaning for you? How about landmarks for the Saxon kingdom of Mercia influencing town layouts in present day central England? Or my favorite, European folklore of dogs being psychopomps (literally guardians of the corpse way). Bob Trubshaw and Albion Press has kindly put up a web site chronicling back issues of At The Edge and Mercian Mysteries.

Project Gutenberg

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Any Internet user who enjoys fiction and literature should know about Project Gutenberg. It is a large body of public domain works, mostly books whose authors have died and whose copyrights have expired, available free on the Internet as plain or ZIPped ASCII text files. At over 3000 books and still growing, it includes just about every major literary classic up through the early 20th century as well as some noteworthy non-fiction volumes.

Some of the authors represented whose books are of particular interest to furry fans are Kenneth Grahame ("The Wind in the Willows"), H. G. Wells ("The Island of Doctor Moreau"), Jack London ("Call of the Wild"), and Rudyard Kipling ("The Jungle Book").

An FCU (FurtherConfusion University) update

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Just a reminder that this is the last week you can register for FCU (aka FC2002) at the low price of $30! Effective October 2nd, our registration fee for the full weekend goes up to $35. Act quickly and save money! You can register online or by mail--see our Registration page.

Canine/Human Character Featured on Fox's Dark Angel

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SciFi Wire is reporting that the new season of Fox Network's "Dark Angel" will feature Joshua (played by Kevin Durand), an earlier attempt at genetic engineering who has both human and dog DNA.

"He's got a little bit of the canine in his genetic cocktail," Durand said in an interview. "He was basically thrown in the basement at Manticore once they realized that he was not completely human-looking."

Durand added, "So Joshua is basically the first version of what Max [Jessica Alba] is. She's the evolution of me. They made a lot of improvements, and the final results came out looking like Jessica Alba. Joshua, on the other hand, definitely exhibits the canine side. The beast features are subtle, but they're definitely there."

Read the full article here. "Dark Angel" premieres on Friday, September 28. I haven't watched it before, but I have a feeling I might tune in for this.

The ConFurence Group announces monthly Furry Socials at the Polar Den

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Darrel L. Exline, director of The ConFurence Group is opening up his new house (aka: The Polar Den) for monthly meetings and get togethers for any furries who wish to come and have fun.

The first of these monthly So-Cal Furry Socials will be on Saturday, October 13 from 12Noon to 6pm, immediately followed by the ConFurence discussion/planning meeting starting at 6pm.  Anyone interested in helping with ConFurence 2002 is welcome to stay for the meeting.

The Polar Den is located in Lemon Grove, California, about 6 miles east of Downtown San Diego, along Route 94.  The address, detailed driving directions, and maps are online at polarden.org/directions.htm

FurEauction Website - Newsletter and more

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No FurEauction is not shutting down, no FurEauction is not asking for money. But we have added some new features to the ever growing feature set of FurEauction.

The interesting thing to note is that FurEauction now not only support listing your auctions on your web page but now it works with the ever popular FurSearch!

So here is the new FurEauction news letter and feel free to check the site out at www.FurEauction.com

Hunter Shoots Hermaphrodite Moose

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This article on Yahoo tells how a hunter in the Yukon Territory got the surprise of his life when shooting a moose which he thought was male. Upon further examination however, he learned this was NOT the case...

I can only wonder if this moose escaped from one of the MUCKs? :-)

Further Confusion Hotel & San Mateo Marriott Update....

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San Mateo Marriott has extended the room block for FurtherConfusion '02. Now you can stay at the host
hotel at con rate starting on January 18 until February 2. Come out to see the Convention and tour around the San Francisco Bay Area for a few days on top of it....

Full announcement is below.

2001 Furry Reading List

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Click below for the current copy of Fred Patten's Furry Recommended Reading List. I'll be maintaining a current copy of this list in a more permanent location, as well.

Huge SF/F eBay Art Auction for Charity

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To collect money for the Red Cross for the victims of the September 11th attacks, a large number of original paintings will be auctioned on eBay starting September 23rd. Lots of big names in this list; Michael Whelan, Keith Parkinson, Larry Elmore, Tony DiTerlizzi, etc. Check out the web page for "Illustrations of Hope" for more info.

Belfry.com Bucks Trend, Stays Online

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Bucking the latest hip trends of the Furry Community, Belfry Webworks announced today that the Belfry Furry Comics Index at Belfry.com will not be going away anytime soon. When asked why, Revar Desmera, lead web developer, replied "Eh. I made the list so I'd have an easy way to find the webcomics I like to read. If I took it down, how would I find them?" Analysts were shocked by this announcement, citing third quarter spending estimates in excess of $30 bazillion to keep the site afloat. Noted speculator Cy Nic said "They must be doing it for the ego boost." When asked to comment on this, Ms. Desmera only replied, "Whatever," and went back to reading Kevin & Kell.

ConFurence moves Online Scratching Post to Yahoo Groups

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The ConFurence Group, headed by Darrel L. Exline, has created a public Yahoo Group to host messages, calendaring, chat, etc. of all topics related to conventions organized by or sponsored by The ConFurence Group. Visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ConFurence to join.

Furnpike shuts down

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Going to furnpike.com now treats the user to this message:

The Furnpike, as well as FurComics.com will be closing Friday, September 14, 2001, permanently. This is due to an extreme lack of support and appreciation of the very communities which use this network daily. It is a shame that more Furs and Werefans can't give $1 or a thanks to help out their favourite sites, and expect someone else to front the bills to keep their appreciations going.

It's a pity that Furnpike is going down, I found the site fairly useful, even if some categories on it were a bit sparse...

ZonieCon announces Lisa Jennings as GOH

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ZonieCon, Arizona's own furry convention, announces a recent addition to their Guest lineup.

Lisa Jennings (aka: Micole the Ermine) will be ZC's guest at our next convention, October 19-21 in Tucson, Arizona.

FurNation is Down.. No, it's up!!!

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From alt.lifestyle.furry newsgroup, Nexxus posts about FurNation going down...

OK. Too many furs are calling and emailing me with donations and support.

FurNation is back online (web and FurSearch). FTP access is still offline
until I can figure out this net glitch and correct it.

Now, furs, stop calling me! (grin) :) :) :)

Thanks for your support. I will try to get the finances under control

Please, no more donations to the FurNation PayPal account. I do appreciate
it, but I don't know how to do the taxes on it.

Sometimes it takes a few folks to let me know how much FurNation means to


FurNation Administrator

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