Ohio Morphicon 2004!
Ohio Morphicon 2004!
"In the Beginning"
When: June 25 - June 27, 2004
Where: Clarion Columbus North Hotel (Columbus, Ohio)
Morphicon is a full three-day furry convention with a diverse array of events planned for our attendees, including: a judged costumed masquerade, a dance, a puppet show, various panels and discussion groups, an "R"-rated variety show (adults only), a well-stocked hospitality room, a free pizza party, and more! Our theme for 2004 is "In the Beginning".This year we will feature Guests of Honor: Eric Schwartz and Mark Merlino! Attendance at Morphicon costs only $25 for all three days (if pre-registered). Dealer tables are only $10 additional cost. Our hotel room rate is a reasonable $69/night (or about $80 after tax).
Tentative Sponsor awards: Sponsors of the convention (+$15) will receive a special art print from each Guest of Honor, and a nifty button. Super-sponsors (+$40) will get even more: a special con t-shirt, a secret prize, and private dinner with the Guests of Honor. (Non-attendees can be Sponsors, too--we will mail Sponsor awards out to Supporting Sponsors.)
Please visit our website at http://morphicon.org/ for more information! Online registration is now available for attendees and dealers alike.
If you'd like to discuss the convention in general, or if you're looking for travel arrangements or roomshare, feel free to join our discussion list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OhioMorphicon/ and chat with us.

About the author
Trickster (A. Wolf) — read stories — contact (login required)an eternal student / researcher from OH, interested in about 6.9%
guests of...horror ?
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