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Eurofurence 10 Registration now open

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Yep, it's that time of the year already. We've started early this time, so hold your breath and...

Get your ticket for *** EUROFURENCE X - THE MOVIE *** now!

Yep, that's right! Eurofurence is celebrating its glorious tenth incarnation - and this time we're going for the big screen! Be there when Europe's largest furry convention beats itself again! August 26 to 29, 2004.
Matching with this year's "Movie" theme, the Guest Of Honor this year is famous animator Timothy Albee, creator of "Kaze - Ghost Warrior".

And yes, Kage's coming too. ;)

Our highly-trained consite experts have dug up a very nice place in the greater proximity of the Ruhr valley and Rhine in a very rural setting similar to last year's convention (sans Czechnology, of course.). Located at the shores of the Biggesee reservoir near Olpe, West Germany, we can host several hundred guests at ease at the modern facilities.

Early registrations are €60 supporting, €110 standard, €160+ sponsor. Register until April 1st to get the cheaper "early bird" prices. The convention fee includes all con activities, accomodation for August 26 to 29, and three meals a day.

Direct your web browser to the Eurofurence website now for all the information you need. (Now with updated travel information.)


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