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Mobile Flayrah

Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes) content is now available in a PDA-friendly format for those of you who like to read the news on your PalmOS, WinCE, or Pocket PC device. You can see the simplified page here. AvantGo users can add content to their channels by simply clicking this link.


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You have to bump the link depth down to 2 so that it'll load in all of the pages. Otherwize, it'll inflate the channel with off-site stuff.

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Yay for Mobile Flayrah! Everyone should be able to take their tasty news with them to snack on on the go.

"We use them for divine retribution."

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I tried to add Flayrah to my channels, but AvantGo says "Your search didn't return any matching channels."

Obviously I'm doing something wrong...

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Strange - I was able to add it. Maybe trying to find the channel through AvantGo doesn't work, but if you click this link (it's the same one as above) then you should get a page allowing you to edit the channel preferences, then save the channel.

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I was able to add it as a custom channel and get it working. When I clicked on the link which should take me to "edit preferences," I just got the main Avant login page. That may be because of the hyper-paranoid firewall we use here, I don't know.

But I did make it work and now I can show people the news page I keep talking about. :)


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The AvantGo link I posted is, I think, something of a kludge given to me by Feren. The mobile thing is all his fault....his Mind is a Handspring Visor, y'see. :)

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Yeah, it's something of a kludge. If people need a hand, just let me know and I'll be glad to help.

And yes, Aureth, my Mind is a Handspring Visor. Without my Prism I'd be lost. :p

"We use them for divine retribution."

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I call my Visor "my brain." I'd be lost without it.


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Use Palm, AvantGo to

No workie no mo.

Flayrah da bomb!

Miss me furry fix!

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what did happen to the Mobil Flayrah page?

I just tried it for the first time today and it's not working for me.

- - -
Kelin Reij

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