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New issue of Tai-Pan available

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Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe #40 is available now! The issue will be available soon from Rabbit Valley and Second Ed, or can be purchased at Midwest Furfest, or can be ordered directly from the publisher at the Tai-Pan website.
Issue #40's front cover features a peek into the future of Raif Kinkaid, when he retires from the Iktomé and becomes Captain of his own ship, as drawn by Kathy R. Coleman. Our back cover features another Iktomé pilot, S'Kai, as drawn by Susan Woolard. This issue contains five complete stories: "Money for Nothing" by Kathy R. Coleman and illustrated by Barb Cummings, "Not a Creature Was Stirring" by Gene Breshears and illustrated by Bill Koonts, "One to Remember" by Mark Allen Davis and illustrated by Chuck Melville, "How to Tell a Lie" by Sky Rigdon and illustrated by Kathy R. Coleman, and "The Girl Next Door" by Kristin Fontaine and illustrated by Annette Pschirrer. The issue features additional artwork by Jennifer Anderson and Andrew Laverdiere.

If you're attending Midwest Furfest, please stop at the Tai-Pan table in the Dealer's Den and say hello, and don't forget to catch the "What is the Tai-Pan, anyway?" panel on Friday afternoon, or the reading of some yet-to-be-published stories from the Tai-Pan Editor-in-Chief, also on Friday afternoon.

More information about the Tai-Pan Literary & Arts Project, including contribution guidelines, can be found at the Tai-Pan website.


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