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Site update: ANTHRO #14 is live!

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 10 Dec 2011 - 14:44
Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes) -- the zine proper -- The new ANTHRO Mall! -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, once again announcing a new issue of ANTHRO -- #14 -- to the world. If you think I've finished #14 a heck of a lot later than usual, well, you're right; let's just say that Real Life (mostly in the form of job-hunting, and temporary employment) *really* got in the way. Do you think it's unfortunate that mundane financial considerations can get in the way of my working on the 'zine? Me, too. Do you want to help prevent this sort of thing from happening again? Great! You are cordially invited to check out the selection at ANTHRO Press [ ], the ANTHRO Mall [ ], and Graphic Descriptions [* ], and purchase whatever may strike your fancy; alternately, feel free to browse ANTHRO's Adams-to-Zelazny collection of recommended furry books [ ] and/or the Ultimate Anthropomorphic Checklist [ ], and buy the one(s) that look good to you.
Anywho... Although this issue is the latest ANTHRO has ever been, its contents are such that I think you'll agree it was worth the wait!
Item: SNOWFLAKE! Specifically, Kacey Miyagami's nifty artwork by that name, which the divine Ms. M. was kind enough to allow us to use on our cover. Yay!

Item: Santa Fox! No, we didn't incorporate Santa Fox himself into the ANTHRO website -- sorry, but we just can't figure out how to squeeze a living, breathing person through an Internet connection -- but what we've got instead is almost as good. First, we've got an interview with Santa Fox, said interview being conducted by Phil Geusz! Second, we've got the true story of Santa Fox, as told to (and by!) the Fox himself -- and who'd know better, eh?


FORK IN THE ROAD, by Michael W. Bard: (part 3 of 3) Actions have consequences, whether you like it or not.
RUNNING WILD, Day 5: Day 5, Feline 101, by Duncan Cougar & Quentin Long: At long last, the completion of the sixth chapter in this TBP serial! "This above all: To thine own self be true" -- but what if you *don’t know* your own self?
THE STORY OF SANTA FOX, by Santa Fox: Who brings the gifts that Santa Claus doesn’t?
SHEPHERD'S SONG, by Bannwynn Oakshadow: In which a life-or-death decision has lasting consequences.


ZEBRA GIRL, by Joe England: The truth is way out there.
CASTLE HORSETOOTH, by Oren the Otter and Eala Dubh: The denouement of the pilfered posies.
SANDUSKY, by John Pergaman, Jr.: Kitty’s first vet appointment.


THE FUZZY STORY, by Fred Patten: The untold saga of H. Beam Piper and his most popular novel.


'TIS THE SEASON TO BE VULPINE: Phil Geusz interviews Santa Fox.


THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING, by Cubist: What some folks *really* want for Christmas.


THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS, by Michael W. Bard: In which a canary is in danger of keeling over.
DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE, by Phil Geusz: Please, can’t we all just get along?.
REALITY SOUNDBITES, by Keith Morrison: Where people live—and *why*. Part 6 of Morrison's series on worldbuilding.
THE RED KING'S DREAM, by Wanderer Werewolf: A modern-day version of a medieval custom.


SEEN WHILE PROWLING, by Fred Patten: The CFO's founder reviews TAILCHASER'S SONG, the classic feline novel by Tad Williams; DIGGER Vol. 3, buy Ursula Vernon; YO MOMMA, the twelfth Kevin & Kell collection by Bill Holbrook; WHITE CRUSADE, by Ben Goodridge; THE PIG WHO SAVED THE WORLD, BY GRYLLUS THE PIG, by Paul Shipton; PETAL STORM, by Paul Kidd; SWORDBIRD, by Nancy Yi Fan; TRANSMUTATION NOW!, by Phil Geusz.


FROM THE EDITOR'S MAW, by Quentin Long: A rumination on the art of different species.

See you next issue!


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