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'Fur'; a new French film student animated cartoon

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 22:32
Your rating: None Average: 4.6 (8 votes)

Fur, a July 2011 4-minute French film student animated cartoon, has been posted on YouTube.

This has started to be talked about by Furry fans, but it hasn't been mentioned on Flayrah yet.


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[comment removed on request]

Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

The wolf guy's head looked like the Prince from Katamari Damacy. I enjoyed the flick though. Very stylized.

Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

This planet should be so lucky. ;)

Your rating: None Average: 3 (2 votes)

well too short for a nice ending...

Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

C'est Bon

Your rating: None Average: 3 (2 votes)

I don't get teh plot.

Looks good though.

Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

Squirrel Girl saves the day again!

Your rating: None Average: 2 (2 votes)

I don't read sooper hiro komix, but I still get it.

Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

Uh, I had trouble reading the captions (all I got was "They say humans are animals like all the rest") but, despite not understanding the plot, I thought it was really cute :3

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