Google's Furry Olympic Logos
Posted by Trickster (A. Wolf) on Mon 18 Feb 2002 - 19:23
Google (, one of the most popular search engines, has been changing its logo daily in tribute to the Winter Olympics. Each new logo shows one or more cute anthropomorphic critters of different species engaged in a variety competitive winter sports. (Today, a foxmorph does the ski-jump.)

About the author
Trickster (A. Wolf) — read stories — contact (login required)an eternal student / researcher from OH, interested in about 6.9%
When you put a link in an article, be sure to include the http:// at the beginning; otherwise, my browser thinks it's a relative pathname and appends it to the current page's URL. The link in the article tried to take me to, which of course does not exist.
My browser didn't do that.
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